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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 She Had Never Been That Friendly Before The next day when Clarissa went to the office, she received an email from the human resource departinent titled ‘New Hires’.

Looking at the title, she found it odd. Since she was already an employee working in New East Corporate, why would HR send this email to her? Wasn’t it more logical to post it on job – hiring websites or the company’s official website? She skimmed through the document. Il wrote, ‘New East Corporate is building a new subsidiary called The Audit Department, which will be led by Germany’s famous auditor Lucas Smith. We are currently looking for potential hires from talents inside and outside the company. Applicants should have at least a postgraduate certification. Certified accountants will be given priority to this post.

Aside from the educational requirements, applicants should also go through three rounds of examinations, the first two being written exams and the final one being an interview.’ The sophisticated requirements had successfully drawn Clarissa’s attention, She had the sudden urge to apply for it. Sadly, she didn’t have the credentials. As of now, she only had a degree, but not a postgraduate certification.

Looking at the requirements, it was evident that New East Corporate won over Great West Accounting Firin.

Initially, she thought that Great West’s application requirements seemed official and sophisticated. After comparing it with New East, the former seemed like a joke to her.

Clarissa was the type of person who would actively seek challenges and would only be satisfied if she got uitles from hard-carned ellorts.

To her, the Audit Department just seemed so out of reach right now.

After all, New East Corporate was a globally recognized company while Great West Accounting Firm was only reputable in Genovia.

Clarissa weighed out the pros and cons almost instantly

Knowing that her credentials didn’t match the requirements of the job post, she had been feeling anxious for the entire morning Part of her anxie!y stemmed from her indecisiveness about whether to leave New East for Great West. After all, she had already filled in the job application form for the latter company.

In the afternoon, Clarissa voiced her concerns to Lily during lunch.

“I think it’s better if I stay in New East. If I do so, I’ll just be transferred to another department in the same company. If ! decide to opt for Great West, I’ll have to climb the corporate ladder slowly from scratch again.” Clarissa was conflicted. “But my credentials don’t fulfill the requirements to work in the Audit Department.”

“What are you so worried about? Just ask your husband to help you,” Lily said.

Lily didn’t expect Damien to act that fast. It only took him a few days to think of a plan to stop Clarissa from leaving the company. Supporting her face with her hand, Clarissa said, “I don’t really want to ask him for anything.”

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