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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Why Are You Staring At Me Like That?

Damien went to the bed to read, whille Clarissa sat at her desk to continue where she was left ofl.

Clarissa found it amusing that both of them enjoyed reading.

“Why don’t you join me on the bed?” Damien asked.

“I’ll pass. I might get too comfortable and fall asleep. I still have to wash your shirt,” Clarissa said. Deep down, she felt reluctant to do it for him.

“Alright. Stay there, then,” Damien said casually, and flipped one page of his book.

The layout of furniture in the room was pretty much similar to that of lier grandfatlier’s, witli her desk situated in a way that her back was facing Damien

Sometimes, Clarissa could hear Damien slipping through the pages quickly. Sometimes, he would take a long time to read through just one page. If he stayed on a page for a while, she would assume that he had fallen asleep.

Sometimes, she would turn around just to check if she was right. This time, Damien caught hier staring at him. He promptly asked, “Why do you keep staring at


She was caught red-handed. Speechless, she hurriedly changed the topic, “I’ll go and wash your shirt.”

With that, she fled to the washroom.

To Clarissa, hand-washing clothes wasn’t a difficult chore. She had been hand-washing her clothes ever since she was young. She didn’t even use the washing machine in university, for she had a limited budget. If it wasn’t a problem then, it wouldn’t be a problem now.

It only took her less than 10 minutes to go through the entire process. After rinsing it, she didn’t twist the shirt for fear of damaging the delicate fabric. Instead, she lunc il directly on the balcony.

After all, Damien’s clothes were as expensive as the man himsell.

When Clarissa got back to bed, her hands were red and pully. “You look really good in that shirt just now.”


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