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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 No Way! Haye’s Suits had the three shirts ready on a Friday. Clarissa reluctantly bid Lily farewell before returning to the Lawrence manor with the shirts.

It had been several days since she had last seen Damien.

After all, it was difficult for a normal employee to see the president of a company.

Damien sat on the sofa while appraising her with a mixture of interest and anger.

“Oh, back already?” he asked. “Where are the shirts you bought?”

Clarissa pulled the shirts out of her canvas bag.

It only took Damien one look to tell that the shirts had been tailor-made abroad. She hadn’t even bothered to change the packaging. This showed how little she cared about himn.

“You’ve gained weight.” He glanced at her chubby face. She had regained the weight that she’d lost when she was sick. “What?” Clarissa frantically touched her face and asked, “I’ve gained weight? How’s that possible?”

Damien sneered. “Why not? You’ve been eating junk food every day.” Clarissa was saddened. ‘Il I’d known I’d gain weight, I wouldn’t have binged so much. Outside food suits my tastes more compared to home-cooked food.’

“Are you done with your book as well?” Damien narrowed his eyes. “Huh? Book? What book?” Clarissa blinked. She thought Damien didn’t know about Joseph’s book. Was he blussing her?

“The one on financial cost management.”

She let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t talking about “An Accountant’s Journey”. She said, “How can I finish a textbook so quickly? It’s going to take me a while.” Damien smiled coldly. Did she think he couldn’t read her expressions?

“Oh, right. Do you want to try on the shirts that I bought for you?” As Clarissa spoke, she took the shirts out of their exquisite packaging. “How much does cach one cost?” Damien asked.

She held up two fingers.

“20,000 dollars?” Clarissa didn’t give him a concrete answer. She merely smiled, looking pleased.

Damien was familiar with this particular brand. He used to get his shirts tailor-made from them, and they cost seventy to eighty thousand dollars each. Then again, someone as miserly as Clarissa probably wouldn’t buy anything from them anyway.

He simply put the shirts to one side, feeling both disappointed and upset.

In the bedroom, he read while leaning against the bed frame. When Clarissa was done bathing,

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