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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 It’s Not up to Her to Decide

Aller work, inn Dannten’s car,

Clarissalold Damiten about her current predicament

“I went to the audit department to drop my resume, and Lucas accepted lil’in going to sit for the written test on Friday.” She was pleased with hersell. Though she had to go about in a roundabout manner, at least she load achiloved hier goal.

“Oh? You?” Damien was a little surprised.

“Yes, me. Howard’s offer is really lempting, though.” “You Lold Laicas I was the one who translated your resume?” Damien asked indifferently “No. I didn’t want people gossiping about me using my connections.”

“It’s good to know you haven’t been throwing my name around.”

Clarissa had a feeling that Damien was insinuating something. Yes, his name had been written on her resume, but what did that have to do with throwing his name around? Or had he found out about her calling him by name during lunch?

How had he found out, though? Why did he seem to know everything?

“Looks like gelung: rejected by the human resource department didn’t allect your confidence,” Damien said calmly.

“Well, I’ve always dreamed of working in auditing ! won’t give up till I’ve achieved my goal.” Clarissa balled licr hands into determined fists,

Damien didn’t say anything, Since she fought for this opportunity on her own, I’ll leave her to her own devices.’

He casually pulled out a hardcover book that was still wrapped in plastic,

“This is for you.”

Clarissa was a little puzzled, but when she saw his name printcil on the cover, she gasped.

“You wrote a book, 100?” she asked in surprise,

“Too? Do you know anyone else who’s written a book?” Damien pretended not to know anything

Clarissa realized that she’d almost exposed herself and quickly amended her words. “No. 1 don’.”

She flipped brough the book. It was titled “Common Mistakes and Countermeasures in Performance Evaluations”.

“Did you write this? Clariss.kullor instinct told her that everything that Damien had said and done was pointing toward something

“The human resource department wrote II. They just put my me on the cover. From now on, This is the only book you’re allowed to eity in your . Don’t you dare have any other books in there. Either that, or don’t let me catch you carrying another book. You know what the

consequences will be.” His tone was as serious as usual.

Clarissa’s heart sank. Did he find out about Josepli’s book? if he didn’t, he was acting very pointedly. It seemed she would have to be even more cautious around him. Otherwise, she was dead meat. “Fine!” She sounded rather sullen. She’d already finished reading Joseph’s book, anyway.

She carefully put Damien’s book into her bag.

The next day, Lucas went to Damien’s office to discuss a few matters.

The new department had yet to be fully set up, so there were naturally a lot of issues to tackle. “Clarissa Johnson gave you her resume?” Damien asked Lucas in German

“Yes, she’s an employee from the finance department. I have a pretty good impression of her. She’s quick on her feet, logical, and clear-headed. Her results are pretty good, too.”

Damien suddenly felt proud. He lowered his head and cleared his throat. “You may not know this, but she’s my wife.”

In truth, he was doing this so that Lucas would be a bit more lenient toward Clarissa. She’d been on her best behavior lately. She hadn’t made him mad, and she hadn’t been in contact with Joseph. Howard was lacking in some aspects, and he wouldn’t be able to groom anyone that was truly outstanding.

Lucas was shocked that the president’s wise would maintain such a low profile and personally come to submit her resume, not to mention her stellar background. “You’re weaker than I thought, though. Clarissa told me you guys won’t be having kids within the next five years. Is everything alright with you?” Lucas joked. “Is that what she said?” Damien frowned.

“Yeah, she looked very serious.” “That’s not up to her to decide!” Damien said.

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