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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Are You Mad Because I PUNISALU Lou The premlere for “Dear Dr. Hill” was held on Saturday afternoon. After visiting her mother, Clarissa attended the premiere with Lily and Landon. Madelynn had given them front-row tickets. It was very lively at the premiere. There Landon took his coat oll, revealing his shirt. Lily had purposely made him wear the one Madelynn had bought. Madelynn saw the three of them sitting in the front row. Damjen, however, wasn’t with them. Her eyes immediately locked on Landon’s shirt. Since she was the one who bought that shirt, she recognized it instantly

Clarissa and Lily were pretty happy to sec Madelynn so pissed off.

When the premiere ended, Madelynn took Clarissa aside. “Where’s Damien?”

“My husband? He said he wasn’t interested in this, so I’m here on his behall.”

“How about the shirts that I bought for him? Why did you give them to someone else?” Madelynn glared daggers at Clarissa.

“Now, you shouldn’t blame Clarissa for that. President Lawrence was the one who gave them to me. When my business failed, I went to interview for the position of liis chauffeur. Instead of hiring me, he invested in my company and helped me out. Since he was willing to help me with my business, I don’t think it’s too big or a deal for him to give me a shirt or two,” Landon piped up.

Madelynn’s chest heaved with rage.

Clarissa, however, found this revelation shocking. Didn’t this mean that Damien had already known Landon when she went to buy her computer? Why had he pretended not to know Landon? Was it so that he could dig for more information about her? Was there anything that Damien didn’t know?

He’d known about all of this all along, while she had made a fool out of herself trying to conceal the truth. Having shown Madelynn up, Clarissa was in a good mood when she went back to the villa. Unexpectedly, she saw Madelynn sitting on the sofa and having a chat with Damien.

Grandpa Lawrence wasn’t in the living room. Clarissa knew he didn’t like Madelynn, so perhaps he’d gone back to liis room since Madelynn was here.


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