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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 How Much Did You Mean It?

Even when class was over, Lily had yet to recover from her shock. She patted her chest and said in relief, “I was terrified. Thank God you reacted quickly.” “What’s there to be afraid of?” Clarissa was puzzled. “It’s easy to be brave when you’re watching from the sidelines. Haven’t you ever heard of how ruthless he used to be? He fired the whole public relations department! Anyway, you’re not afraid of him now that you two are sleeping in the same bed, but what about in the past? You were terrified of lim, remeinber?” Lily said.

Clarissa had yet to join the company when Dannien had fired a whole department, so she didn’t know about it

However, it was true that she used to be rather scared of him. During the team-building activity, she had been scared out of her wits when her phone had rung in his hand.

“Help me with something else tomorrow,” Lily continued.

“How?” Clarissa stopped walking. For some reason, Lily’s tone gave her an ominous premonition.

“I want you to wear something plain. Or even better, something cheap. Make yourself look poor,” Lily said with relish.

“Alright, then. You just want to show Landon’s parents that you’re not disdainful of poor people, don’t you? You’re afraid I’ll steal your thunder,” Clarissa said.

After work.

Clarissa got into Damien’s car. “I have a date with Lily tomorrow. We’re going to her sister’s house for dinner. Landon’s hier sister’s brother-in-law, which means that Lily wants to go visit her future parents-in-law. She wanted me to accompany her, and I’ve agreed. Now, here I am, asking for permission.” Clarissa managed to keep a straight lace. “Alright.” Damien sounded mild.

He knew the things she had said during class were nothing more than an expedient measure. Perhaps she was speaking like this because she was afraid that he was angry, but either way, it made him feel good.

They both fell silent after that. Clarissa suddenly remembered Lily mentioning that he’d fired the public relations department, so she asked, “I heard you fired the whole public relations department. Why?”

“I didn’t like them.”

“Oh.” Though she didn’t say anything else, it was obvious she didn’t believe him. It was hard to find a job nowadays, and he had fired a whole department just because he didn’t like them. Did he think that she would buy that?

“Wasn’t there a reason for that?” she asked again.


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