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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 10

Cordelia, always a beat slow in social cues, but speedy in action, rushed over at the sound of the commotion.

She found Lorna standing unharmed and breathed a sigh of relief, then noticed the spilled half-can of loose coffee beans on the floor.

Laurinda gasped dramatically, "Lorna, you've created a disaster!"

Lorna was a bundle of nerves as she stuttered, "I wasn't on purpose. I just opened the cupboard, and it fell."

Sandra shook her head with a sigh, "Madam, you should've been more careful!"

Laurinda seemed frantic, scolding, "What good are you if all you do is eat and sleep? I ask you to make a simple cup of coffee, and you cause such a catastrophe! Do you realize that Steward bought this specifically for an important occasion?"

Lorna just stared blankly at the scattered leaves.

Laurinda didn't let up, "You're useless! What's the point of that long face now? What do you even contribute to this household? You can't even give us a grandson."

Her words grew harsher with each sentence.

Cordelia frowned, ready to jump in, when a stern voice cut through, "Laurinda, shut your dirty mouth!"

Mathilda stormed in, positioning herself protectively in front of Lorna, "As the lady of a prestigious house, is that any way to speak? Lorna has been well-versed in literature and arts since she was young. She didn't marry into your useless family to be treated this way!"

Cordelia was stunned at Mathilda's talent for insults.

Laurinda was taken aback, her bluster deflating, "She made a mistake, can't I reprimand her?"

Mathilda retorted, "Is it such a big deal over some spilled coffee beans? I'll go buy more, and that'll settle it!"

Lorna quickly tugged at Mathilda, "Mom..."

But Laurinda smirked, "Do you even know what kind of coffee bean this is? This is St. Helena Coffee!"

Mathilda straightened up, "As long as it's for sale, it can be bought."

Laurinda wore a smug look, "Well, just so you know, this was specially procured by Steward for this weekend's gathering. If you can't replace it in time, you'll have to explain it to him!"

After her speech, Laurinda sauntered off toward the dining room supported by Sandra with a glint of schadenfreude in her eyes.

Just yesterday, Steward had defended her. Now she'd have to see how he'd punish her for ruining his plans.

Once Laurinda was gone, Mathilda sensed something was off, "Lorna, those coffee beans..."

Lorna gave a wry smile and signaled Mathilda to stop. Staring at Cordelia, Lorna didn’t want to worry her daughter.

Juliana had finished her breakfast and stood nearby impatiently, “Shall we leave for the school?”

Lorna smiled reluctantly and fetched the packed breakfast from the kitchen to Cordelia, “Lia, go to school now. Mathilda won’t leave and you can talk to her this night.”

Then, Cordelia looked at Lorna with an acknowledgement and went outside with Juliana.

When these two children left, Mathilda asked Lorna in a low voice, “What’s that coffee beans?”

Lorna explained, "Mom, those coffee beans are priceless now. Steward bought those coffee beans at an auction for eight hundred and eighty thousand, just to gift to Hackett for the upcoming project... they need his patronage."

Hackett was the biggest tycoon of Greenmeadow, and his love for rare coffee was well known.

Mathilda was aghast, "Eight hundred and eighty thousand"

Lorna looked again at the coffee beans on the floor.

Steward treasured these coffee beans as if they were his life. But now, even a million dollars couldn't buy them back.

She hadn't expected Laurinda to use this to slander her. How would she explain this to Steward tonight?


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