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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 21

Sanderson's gift was swiftly assessed by the secretary without even peering inside. He knew it was pricey. "This won't do," he said.

Hackett had given explicit directives that no gifts were allowed!

Seeing his offering rebuffed, Sanderson darkened his face further. Could it be because Lia had offended the Griffin family?

As he pondered his next move, a flashy convertible roared up the drive, the wrought-iron gates swinging open. The secretary stepped aside, calling out respectfully, "Mr. Griffin."

Yates waved casually in acknowledgment and cruised through the entrance.

Sanderson deepened his frown.

Yates appeared unperturbed, a clear sign that Hackett's illness was just an excuse.

Sanderson couldn't just loiter here; which would only serve to annoy them further. As he was about to turn and leave to devise another plan, the car reversed back towards him, and Yates called out uncertainly, "Cordelia's father?"

He had seen Sanderson on various other occasions.

Sanderson nodded with composure, "That's right."

At that, Yates hurried out of his car, his manner suddenly transformed to one of courteous urgency. "Mr. Delaney, are you here for a visit? Please, come inside!"

Sanderson was momentarily dumbfounded. What was happening?

The secretary was equally bewildered. "Mr. Griffin, Hackett said..."

Yates cut him off with impatience, "Whatever it is, we'll discuss it inside. Keeping guests waiting at the door isn't the way of the Griffin family, is it?"

The secretary was left to wonder. Since when did Yates care about hospitality? But the secretary dared not voice his thoughts.

Inside the living room, Yates spoke, "Mr. Delaney, please take a seat. I'll go call my grandpa."

Glancing at the gift in Sanderson's hand, he added, "Is this for us? Let me take it inside for you."

Sanderson nodded, feeling awkward, and settled onto a nearby couch.

Yates, carrying the gift, found Hackett on the balcony soaking up the sun. "Playing truant again?" Hackett sighed upon seeing him.

"We have a visitor," Yates replied.

Hackett waved dismissively, "I'm not seeing anyone for a while."

Yates crouched down, tugging at his grandfather's beard, "Gramps, this is a guest you have to see!"

Hackett winced in pain, then smacked Yates' hand away, "Show some respect!"

He glanced at the gift box in curiosity, "Who's the guest that's got you so worked up? Fine, I'll meet them, but no gifts."

Yates shoved the gift into his hands, "This one you have to accept!"

Hackett sighed, "You don't understand. There's a big shot in town. If I accept gifts now, I'm asking for trouble."

Yates, though reckless, did not want to embarrass his grandfather. But if they refused the gift, Mr. Delaney might feel awkward.

He looked at the gift box in his hand and simply opened the bag, "I'll see if the gift is expensive. If not, you can accept it, otherwise Mr. Delaney will not get through."

Hackett was about to say something when a familiar tea box was taken out of the bag...

Yates examined the box of St. Helena Coffee. "Gramps, why does this gift look so familiar?"

Hackett was raced with realization.

Of course, it was familiar. It was his coffee!


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