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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 30

Silence held the room hostage for a few heartbeats.

Calvert stiffened his frame as a chill skittered up his spine. Swallowing hard, he dared not meet Everard's piercing gaze and hurriedly shoved his phone into Everard's hands, trying to sound official, "Boss, this phone will be yours, okay?"

Calvert was at a loss for words.

Five seconds ticked by before Everard picked up the phone, his voice cool and detached, "Then why the hell were you eyeballing my phone?"

Calvert was confused.

Gazing mournfully at his brand-new smartphone he had just got his hands on two days ago, he silently bid it farewell and then took a few steps back without a word.

Watching him retreat, Everard began to type with his slender and pale fingers.

Cordelia had just finished a physics exercise when her phone vibrated.

She slowly lifted her head and glanced at the screen, noting a message from Little Fang.

Boss Wallace asked, ‘What are you doing?’

Cordelia thought it was a silly question. She was a student, what else would she be doing at this hour?

Little Fang seemed sharp enough, so why ask such a dumb question? Still, she patiently replied.

LearnLover answered, ‘In class.’

'Then you should chat less with others. It distracts from studying.’

Cordelia was perplexed about what “others” refer to.

She responded with a simple reply and submerged herself back into her studies.

After two classes, Cordelia walked towards her classroom, only to notice people gossiping and pointing in her direction. Confused, she arrived back at her classroom to find the back row commandeered by the Flames.

A group of Flames huddled together, their phones in hand, furiously typing and exclaiming.

‘Do you think you can just mess with our Flame Union boss? Buddy, I've got your ID logged!’

‘Lia's in the advanced math class because she's legit. If you're so great, try getting in yourself. Latham's known for his ironclad impartiality and he would never take you!'

‘Lia's the bomb!’

‘Yeah, the Galaxy Math Whiz Competition is coming up. We'll show you what Lia's got!’

Amidst their discussion, Merry looked up and caught sight of Cordelia, coughing to grab attention.

The Flames immediately clammed up.

Yates leaned casually against the back wall, ignoring Merry's coughs. He was busy clapping back at the trolls on the forum. He didn't talk much in person, but when it came to a verbal spat, he wasn't lacking in ferocity.

‘Flame Union's getting involved. Better scatter, folks. Wait until the Galaxy Math Whiz Competition results are out, and the truth will be crystal clear!’ Someone commented.

Yates himself replied, ‘Don’t run away. Let's go a few rounds if you're man enough.’

‘Man, I'd hate to get on Flame Union's radar. You wouldn't even know how you died.’

Yates continued, "Nonsense."

After roasting a few trolls, he suddenly spotted an anonymous comment.

‘Cordelia joined the Flame Union as soon as she got to school. We all know what kind of people they are. Can such a group really produce a top student?’

Yates froze at that comment. His hand paused over his phone, not responding right away.


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