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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 34

Sanderson's face went momentarily blank when he heard the news.

It was like when Cordelia aced her exams, topping her year. He was stunned at first, but after getting to know her life in the orphanage, he realized her brilliance was no fluke.

After finishing junior high, Cordelia had taken to studying on her own.

But Math competition required more than just talent. They also demanded hard work. No matter how clever Cordelia was, having just returned half a month ago, how could she score well in such a challenging competition?

He patted Lorna's shoulder, sighing with a tinge of self-reproach. If he hadn't lost Cordelia all those years ago, she would undoubtedly be the brightest star among her peers.

While they were talking, Steward suddenly strode over with his hands clasped behind his back and addressed Sanderson. "Come here, son."

Sanderson hastily followed. "What's up, Dad?"

Steward gazed at Sanderson. "Have you got any news on that Calvert fellow?"

Sanderson shook his head.

Steward frowned. "Try harder to find him."

"Will do."


As usual, Cordelia got off at Midnight Scent, had breakfast, and held hands with Everard for some time.

Lately, their hand-holding sessions were getting longer by the day. It lasted two minutes that day, and she still felt a faint ache in her chest.

As Cordelia tuned into her body's signals, Everard leaned back on the table, propping his forehead with his free hand. "Girl, don't you think this wastes time?" His voice was low and seductively charming.

Cordelia paused. "So what can I do?" she asked.

Everard's lips curled into a teasing smile, and at that moment, it seemed as if all the light in the room gathered on his face. His features, sharp and firm, took on an enticing glow. "I have a method that's quick and easy. Want to hear it?"

Cordelia suddenly realized what he was hinting at. She quickly averted her gaze, answering indifferently, "No, thanks."

Her cold demeanor didn't provoke him. Instead, he chuckled softly, his laughter wrapping around Cordelia's heart, which made her throat parched.

He prodded, "Why not?"

Cordelia hesitated before replying, "I know what you're suggesting."

Everard arched an eyebrow, "So, you're not willing to try it with me?"

Cordelia frowned as if making up her mind. "Fine."

Everard was stunned. Did this girl agree to a kiss and embrace?

The thought barely crossed his mind when she extended her other hand. "Let's try holding both hands at once. Maybe it'll cut the time in half."

What the hell?

It took five seconds before Everard burst out laughing again. How could this girl be so adorable?

Before he could respond, Cordelia was already on her feet. "That's enough for today. Let’s try it tomorrow."

She slung her backpack over her shoulders, her oversized school blazer swishing as she left.

Once she was gone, the smile on Everard's face slowly vanished, returning to his usual cold and taciturn demeanor.


When Cordelia entered the school gates, she saw a sea of red. Flame squad numbers one to seven plus Merry was squatting at the entrance, their red hair quite a spectacle. Yates leaned against a nearby tree, engrossed in his phone.


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