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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 7

Cordelia was confused in her mind.

What was Midnight Scent doing ordering so many balloons?

She didn't probe further, sensing that Midnight Scent wasn't the same as the one she had known. Even the name itself was unique. Midnight Scent?

Cordelia fell silent. She didn't know Everard. It was only their second meeting, and she had no idea how to engage in a romantic relationship with someone.

Yet her silence only made the dull ache in her chest grow. Seeing Everard leisurely reading a book with no intention of speaking, she wrestled with herself before reaching for another conversational lifeline. "Where's Little Fang?"

Little Fang?

Everard raised an eyebrow. Was she referring to Calvert?

She has the most amusing ways of coming up with names, he thought.

His cold, slender fingers tapped on the counter as he replied. "Out to get breakfast."

Just then, Calvert came through the door, bags of breakfast in hand. "Boss, chow time!"

He paused upon spotting Cordelia, then greeted her with a casual "Hey" before laying the breakfast on a nearby table.

Everard stood up, his towering height adding a sense of dominance to the room, making it somewhat cramped.

He walked to the breakfast table and asked indifferently, "Joining us?"

Cordelia blinked. She hadn't felt quite right upon waking up, which made her skip her usual morning meal. Besides, the Delaney family's breakfast differed from the bread and oatmeal she was used to at the orphanage, so she hadn't eaten much.

After a brief consideration, she nodded. "Sure."

Calvert watched the girl sitting across from the boss and picking up a muffin to eat, and he was stunned.

Who else could be so at ease in front of the boss? This girl was something else!

As Cordelia nibbled on her muffin, she secretly studied Everard across from her.

He ate swiftly, his movements neither rough nor clumsy but rather elegant. When Cordelia finished her muffin, he had already polished off three.

Picking up the pace, Cordelia finished breakfast, and with it, the pain in her chest subsided. She wiped her mouth with a napkin, stood up, and asked, "Can I go now?"

Everard looked up leisurely, his deep brown eyes shimmering with a restrained sharpness. "You're free to leave whenever you wish."

Cordelia hesitated.

This man was shrouded in mystery and danger, so mysterious and unpredictable, but at least for the time, he seemed kind, without malice.

Cordelia had mulled over several ideas from the previous day to that morning.

She had considered calling the police.

But what could she tell them? Was she going to say this man did something to her that made her fall in love with him? The police wouldn't believe her and would probably take her for a lunatic!

After much thought, she decided to take no action and see what he wanted.

Everything had been normal until that morning when her chest began to ache. Did it mean she had to see Everard every day to play at romance?

She asked, "Should I come back tomorrow?"

Everard raised an eyebrow, his lips curving slightly. "Up to you."


Cordelia stepped out of the shop and walked to school.


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