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Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss 18+ novel Chapter 323

“Ace…please, let’s stop…” I pleaded desperately.

“Stop, what?” he asked with some interest.

I bit down on my lower lip in frustration before I glared at him as if doing that would send some telepathic message across to him. My real frustration stemmed from the fact that I was certain that he knew what I was referring to but had chosen to act all innocent.

“We can’t do it here. There are cameras…everywhere…” I pointed out without backing down.

Ace stared at me for a moment in silence and that made me feel so open and vulnerable in front of him. I wished that he would stop staring at me like he could see through me even if that was how it was really was. It was bad enough that we were this close and already on camera.

“Do what?” Ace asked before the corners of his beautiful lips curved upwards into slightly teasing smirk.

Slowly, his fingertips stroked their ways down my arm, and I wanted to let out a moan at the fleeting yet pleasurable sensation. He was teasing me mercilessly and I hated myself for responding so much to his playful seduction.

“Tell me, what do you have in mind, Rina?” he asked.

His hands slid down my arms slowly before he quickly captured and held onto my wrists. My mind went completely blank for a moment, and I wasn’t sure what to do.

“Let’s wait till we get home…or…we can go to your office…” I mumbled.

As soon as those words left my lips, I wanted to die from embarrassment. However, I couldn’t see another way out. I knew that I should push him away, but it seemed impossible. If Ace really started seducing me, there was a very high chance that we’ll end up going all the way. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. To my surprise, the slight pressure of his hands around my wrists disappeared and then I felt Ace moving away from me.

When I opened my eyes, Ace was standing at a respectable distance from me with an unbelievably calm expression on his face. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. However, I did feel very relieved that he seemed to have heard my desperate plead for him to stop.

“Are you done with your business down here?” Ace asked.

“Yes…I am…” I replied in a murmur as my mind struggled to take in this sudden change.

“Then follow me,” Ace instructed.

I watched as he turned on his heels and walked toward the exit of the archive. My legs started following him without a moment of hesitation. Suddenly, the archive felt so suffocating and I couldn’t bear to be there any longer. My heart still beat wildly in my chest as I pressed my hand against it and let out another sigh.

“Why did you come down here?” I asked curiously when I caught up to his side.

It felt too awkward to be walking along with him in silence, so I put in all the effort that I had to start a conversation.

“No reason. I was just looking for you and someone in the lobby told me that they saw you heading down here,” Ace replied with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

“Why were you looking for me?” I questioned.

“We should go home together. I managed to wrap things up decently early so I thought we could go home together. I did send you a text,” he replied.

The Easier Choice 1

The Easier Choice 2


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