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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 391

“I’m back now! All of that doesn’t matter. If we leave the gang to Hayden, Torex will become weak, and you know that! Stop being so stubborn. I know that you’re pissed but I’m ready to take over now!” Harvey yelled back equally as loudly.

Father and son stared at each other, and it became clear that Harvey had inherited the boss’s temper, at least to a certain degree. Of all the times that I’ve seen Hayden engage in an argument with the boss, he had never shouted at the boss like this before. Hayden’s approach was colder and calmer.

Hayden let out a sigh next to me as he glanced at his watch as if wondering how long those two will go at it. It was clear that Hayden didn’t want to get involved and I was starting to worry if violence will break out between the other two.

“Is this…normal?” I dared to ask in a small whisper.

“Absolutely. It’s completely normal. It’s how those two normally communicate,” Hayden said with a chuckle.

“Right…” I whispered before wincing as the voice in the room seemed to boom even louder than before.

Maybe we should just get out of here and leave the two of them to sort things out.

“Never mind them. What about you? What do you want me to do?” Hayden asked and I knew that he was referring to his question to me before.

If I had to choose, then I would choose the alternative that made Hayden happiest. He hated this job, right?

“You don’t really want to take over the gang and I don’t want you to do something that you don’t want to. So, I’ll probably choose for Harvey to take over instead. It seems like he wants to do that as well,” I replied after some thought.

“Maybe or maybe he’s just saying all that because he’s thinking exactly what you’re thinking,” Hayden whispered to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked to make sure that I understood things properly.

Harvey thinks the way that I do?

“He doesn’t want me to spend my life doing something that I don’t want to do…” Hayden replied before he smiled sadly at me.

In reality, does Harvey even want to take over or was he doing it simply because it was his responsibility?


“Let’s wait to see what the two of them decide,” I whispered in reply.

After a while longer, the shouting of the two men ceased. Either they have come to some sort of agreement, or they had simply lost their voice. The boss was visibly panting, and his face was beet red. Harvey seemed tired as well.

The two of them flopped down as if half dead on the sofa while Hayden started to laugh openly. I wished I could find it funny too but the seriousness of the situation and how our future were practically riding on this decision just made it impossible for me to join in with Hayden’s laughter.

“So? What have you guys decided for the fate of Torex? Who will take over? Harvey…or me?” Hayden asked bluntly.

“I’ll take over just like I was supposed to all along. This gang doesn’t need you anymore so you can go back to whatever you were doing with your life,” Harvey replied confidently.

Unknown Future 1


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