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Love to Hate Me novel Chapter 23

The tears run in Becky’s eyes, she feels disgusting. Though Salina had died, she still entangled Fabian’s heart. She worked all those years hard to be his wife, she would never let her chance slip away this time!

It’s late night, the moon peeks through the grey clouds, pillars of the light break through the gloom in the house. Fabian searches for the key in his bag, “Fabian!” A sharp woman’s voice comes to his ears.

He turns, “Mother? Why are you here?”

A middle-aged woman stands right behind him, looking like a lady. They walk into the house.

Becky walks out of the kitchen with tea, “Auntie, Fabian just worked late today, please don’t...”

“Enough!” Fabian’s mother cuts her from the middle.

“Becky, you don’t need to cover him. Do you know how messy of the company these days?”

Becky sees her pissed face and walks by, comforting her and shares a look to Fabian, “Fabian, come on, your mom worries about you, say something.”

Fabian sneers, and says, “Becky, come on, you invited my mother here right?”

Becky shocks, she doesn't expect this answer.

“Fabian, stop! You should thank her to take care of you all these days. I knew you still thought of that woman, Salina. What did she do to you? To make you like this today?” Fabian’s mother speaks for Becky, pressing her chests as if she gets some pains, “Besides, I tell you now, you must remake your wedding for Becky, I only want her to be your wife! Otherwise, you don’t need to stay in this company anymore! And you are not my son!”

She finishes and walks out. “Auntie!” Becky stands up and chases her.

Fabian stops her, “Honey, why you...” Becky asks.

“Did I tell you before, I would arrange a day for our wedding?” He says with unpleasant, makes Becky chill from her bones. He never talks to her in a mild tone.


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