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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Since You’ve Already Begged Me

Hearing this, Wendy shook her head and commented, “That’s a really bad temper, alright. Why can’t she sit down and have a good chat peacefully? What happened next? Did you look for her?”

“I did.”

“Did she go back with you?”

“No, she’s meeting other people while being pregnant with my child.”

Wendy inhaled sharply and slapped her thigh, saying angrily, “How could she? That is your wife’s fault. No matter how bad the argument is, she can’t do something like this! We call this infidelity! Bigamy! What’s more, she’s still pregnant with your child. She…”

Leanna, who had been quietly watching the show from the side, couldn’t help but add, “He’s divorced.”

Wendy continued, “Even if they’re divorced, she can’t… Wait, divorced?” She jolted before asking in disbelief, “Aidan, you’re divorced?”

Aidan glanced at Leanna before nodding.


At this time, Naomi came out. As Wendy had a loud voice, she had heard what they were discussing while she was in the kitchen and suddenly felt that she was about to lose her mind. Hence, she hurriedly came up with an excuse and dragged Wendy outside.

After arriving at her home, Wendy said, “Naomi, I haven’t finished talking to Aidan yet. I really didn’t expect him to be divorced. Don’t you care about your son?”

Naomi said exasperatedly, “They’re both divorced.”

“Exactly.” Saying that, Wendy continued surreptitiously, “Oh, Naomi, I noticed that Leanna and Aidan are quite a good fit. Since Aidan is also divorced, I’ll look for a chance to ask him about it and see if he…”

“That’s enough.” Naomi stopped her. “Haven’t you noticed that they’re talking about each other?”


“They both came from Highside, one came after the other, and both of them are divorced. One ran away with a child in her belly, and the other came to look for her. Do you understand now?”

Wendy was rendered speechless. She had just slowly digested and accepted that Aidan was Naomi’s son, but she fell into deep contemplation once again.

After a while, she asked in disbelief, “Are you saying that Leanna’s irresponsible ex-husband is…”

Naomi nodded. “I didn’t pry into their relationship, but I talked to Leanna before, and there should be a misunderstanding between her and Aidan. He only believes in what he sees with his own eyes, so whatever I say would be useless too.”

Wendy didn’t quite know what she was talking about. She smacked her forehead all of a sudden as she recalled that she had once set up Leanna and Harry in front of Aidan, and viciously called Leanna’s ex-husband inhumane… This is just too embarrassing.

Of course, there was someone else who felt more embarrassed than Wendy. Leanna sat in the yard, not knowing if she should stay or leave. She really didn’t expect Wendy to delve so deeply into this topic, especially when she had just offended Aidan not long ago.

Moreover, this b*stard spoke as if he’s the victim. The only reason she ran away was because he cold-heartedly wanted to get rid of the child in her stomach. But why did he make it out to be her fault?

Aidan met her eyes and said in an indifferent tone, “What do you want to say?”

Leanna replied seriously, “I think that you lie too much, President Pearson. You obviously came here for the acquisition case, but you just said you came to look for me. Besides, if you say that, it can easily… make others misunderstand.”

“Misunderstand what? That I like you?”


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