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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 He’s Cold to His Bones

Leanna was terrified. For Aidan to ask if I like him… That’s almost as scary as him asking me what time I’d like to die tonight or how I’d like to die tonight! She licked her cracked lips and tasted a hint of alcohol on them. “You must be drunk, President Pearson.”

Aidan fixed his dark pupils on her without responding. “You should be, right? Why else would you fool around with me?” she asked carefully. He scoffed and gradually let go of her before he loosened his necktie. “Do you think I’m fooling around with you?”

“Aren’t you?” Leanna tried to analyze the situation. “I don’t understand the purpose of you asking me this question. If I say I like you, you’d think I’m crazy in love. If I say I don’t like you, you’d think I have bad taste. One way or another, I won’t be able to give you an answer you’re satisfied with. Why don’t you tell me the answer you’d like to hear? I’ll just go along with it,” she offered.

He glared at her icily. “Do you also make such comparisons when you’re with Zayn?”

“No…” Because I’ve never been together with Zayn. Furthermore, only God knows what’s going on in this madman’s mind. So, it’s only natural for me to want to protect myself! She explained herself once more. “There’s nothing between Zayn and me, President Pearson. Furthermore, he’s engaged now, so I hope you can stop making assumptions about Zayn’s relationship with me.”

“Is that so…” Aidan uttered thoughtfully.

“Of course!” she replied.

“Since you guys claim to be innocent, then what about that First Love series you designed? Who was that for?” he asked.

Leanna was speechless for a while. “That’s just a general topic that I thought the audience could relate to. I’m not designing it for anyone. But, it seems like you keep finding issues with the title of my series, President Pearson. Aren’t you jealous too?” she retorted.

Aidan pressed his thin lips together as his gaze darkened. At that moment, Leanna realized how her question seemed rather abrupt—it felt like she was asking to be punished by uttering such a thing. She was just about to take her words back when she heard Aidan’s emotionless voice. “So what if that’s true?”

“What?” Leanna was shocked. What’s going on?

“You know what I mean, Leanna,” he uttered in a thick voice. She was silent for a moment before she replied. “Liking someone doesn’t prove anything. Didn’t you say this in the past, President Pearson?”

“That’s true. However, I can give you the spot as Mrs. Pearson. No one can take that away from you,” he uttered.

“Even if that’s the case, I still can’t have the public know about my child, right?” Aidan wasn’t done, but Leanna already had a clear answer in her mind. He claims to like me, but he wants things to go back to how they were before we divorced. My guess is correct—he’s just used to having me by his side. He’s used to me pampering him, and he’s used to having someone waiting for him when he returns to the Castor Villa every day. Habits are such a scary thing.


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