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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126 I Suppose Aidan Is Getting Married Soon

As early as the incident occurred, Zayn went to look for the staff of Lux. After confirming with them that there was no problem when Lux delivered the jewelry pieces, he headed straight to the hotel and retrieved the surveillance footage.

However, the other party was also well prepared. They knew that there were surveillance cameras in the hotel, so they disguised themselves as Barnett Group’s staff before entering the area with surveillance cameras. They made up a reason saying that they needed to confirm the inspection before letting the jewelry pieces enter the exhibition hall. Seeing that the jewelry had already arrived at the hotel, the staff from Lux’s side didn’t suspect anything.

It was during the journey that they secretly exchanged Leanna’s jewelry.

They thought they had done it flawlessly, yet they forgot that nothing was absolute. So, inevitably, they would overlook the potential flaws with the tampered jewelry.

Coincidentally, the surveillance caught a picture of a man giving a jewelry box to another person. Although the other person didn’t appear on the camera, it was evident that Leanna was framed.

In the end, Zayn said, “In addition, McK and I have been friends for so many years. I can assure you that she’s definitely not the kind of person as rumored. As for those who maliciously spread rumors, Barnett Group will pursue legal responsibility.”

Without a doubt, this took everyone by great surprise. They didn’t expect that there would be such a massive twist to the matter.

Also, none of them would have thought that a mere designer under Lux would be Zayn’s friend.

Meanwhile, Douglas’ facial expression was livid as he watched Zayn make that statement. Then, in a fit of anger, he left the banquet hall.

Finally, a farce came to an end after Zayn made a clarifying statement to prove Leanna’s innocence.

Zayn slowly strolled down from the exhibition platform and headed toward Leanna’s side. “I’ll send you home, Leanna.”

Leanna parted her lips and said, “Actually, you don’t need to do this.”

Nonetheless, Zayn still insisted. “I didn’t protect you

before, and that’s why I lost you forever. Right now, I’m simply doing whatever is within my capability to help you.”

When she saw that he was being persistent, she didn’t know what to say anymore. Just then, she suddenly remembered something and looked around. “Where’s Anna?”

Logically speaking, it’s impossible for Anna to be so quiet after seeing Zayn help me clarify this matter. After all, she hates me deeply.

“I have my men watching her. Don’t worry. She won’t come looking for trouble with you again,” Zayn said, “Come, let’s go. I’ll see you off outside.”

She knew that she might not be able to walk out of the place alone in this situation, so she nodded and accepted his offer.

With that, she followed him and turned to leave, completely ignoring the calculative gaze behind them.

After they left, Georgina said to herself, “I didn’t expect McK to actually know Zayn, and I even asked her to design a wedding gift for Anna before. What a coincidence!”

At the sound of Georgina’s voice, Aidan put up an incomprehensible facial expression and gave her a sideways glance.

Still, Georgina simply smiled and met his gaze. “What’s the matter?”

“Your acting is better than I imagined.”

Georgina paused momentarily when she heard that as she knew he was referring to the incident that took place in the lounge earlier, then she said with a soft smile, “Well, if I want to make someone believe something untrue, I certainly need to make it as real as possible. Won’t it be oblivious to onlookers if it’s too fake?”

Aidan merely sneered and said nothing after listening to her explanation.

Georgina continued on when she saw that Aidan wasn’t interested in making a conversation, “Aidan—in truth, I wasn’t entirely acting. I’m serious about what I said. Why don’t you consider our marriage?”

At this juncture, Aidan knew it was time for him to leave. Therefore, he tilted his head and drank the glass of champagne in his hand in one shot. After that, he placed the empty glass aside. “I’m leaving now that the show is over.”

Georgina’s smile gradually slid off her face as she silently watched his retreating silhouette.

Meanwhile, Anna was raising hell and banging on the door in the lounge.

“You lowlifes! How dare you lock me up here?! I’ll kill you once I get out! Let me out!”


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