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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 People Get Carried Away Easily

In the car, Georgina took the jewelry box that was handed out to her. Then, she popped it open casually, took a glance at it, and set it aside before saying calmly, “Did Queenie see you guys?”

“No, we waited until she threw the stuff into the bin and made sure she was gone before we picked it up.”

A smirk spread across her face. “This trick of hers is not bad, but too bad. It seems like she doesn’t know Leanna McKinney’s true identity. Otherwise, all her efforts wouldn’t have gone to waste.”

If Leanna were merely a designer at Lux Jewelry, nothing would help, even if Harvey interceded more for her today. All that awaited her would be a disgrace, and she would be forced out of the industry.

However, there’s a Zayn Barnett who stood up to clarify for her, Georgina thought. Furthermore…

The look in her eyes turned a few notches colder. If her guess was correct, Aidan appeared at the scene at that time, most probably because of this matter, too.

Soon, the black sedan slowly pulled into her home.

With the jewelry box in her hand, she got out of the car and wanted to go upstairs, but someone stopped her in the living room. “Gina.”

Turning back, she saw the middle-aged man standing not far off. “Dad, you’re still awake?”

Lloyd Crossley nodded. “Come here. I have something to ask you.”

Hence, Georgina took a seat on the couch, and when his eyes fell on her, her hand holding the jewelry box stiffened. Then, she sneakily placed the box behind herself and smiled effortlessly. “What’s up, Dad?”

“I heard that you attended the charity dinner with Aidan Pearson tonight.”

“Yes,” she admitted.

Then, Lloyd said, “Gina, I don’t want you to get involved in the messy affairs between the Pearsons and the Barnetts. Aidan Pearson is an unfathomable man, and you—”

“Dad,” she interjected. “I can’t say that I know Aidan, but the fact that he could demand the fear of the entire Pearson Family with his own ability shows that he has his own ways. As for me, I’ll need to get married in the end, a

nd I believe that our family will have everything to gain and nothing to lose if I marry Aidan.”

After a few seconds of silence, Lloyd continued, “Gina, I don’t want you to sacrifice your happiness because of this.”

“Dad, I like Aidan, and I’m willing to marry him,” she said. “Actually, I’ve liked him for a very long time. Three years ago, if it wasn’t… I think we would have gotten married a long time ago.”

“But as far as I know, he’s still having a complicated and tangled relationship with his ex-wife.”

Nevertheless, she answered nonchalantly, “That woman married him because of money, so she wouldn’t leave so easily. Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll take care of this well.”

He didn’t comment more but merely said, “A few days later, I’ll visit the Pearsons to discuss this. Have an early rest.” Then, he stood up and couldn’t help but cough a few times violently.

She immediately rushed over and rubbed his back soothingly as she asked, “Dad, should I call the doctor?”

“It’s alright. It’s just an old ailment. The weather turned cold recently, and it’s acting up again. No problem.”

When Georgina wanted to interject, she instead saw the burn marks on his neck.

Lloyd pulled up his collar and hid the burns when he noticed her stare. “I’m fine. Go to bed.”

After she went upstairs, Lloyd was about to go as well when the jewelry box on the couch caught his eye. He picked it up and wanted to bring it to Georgina, but he accidentally opened the box, and a necklace slid out.

He caught the necklace, and when he saw the pendant, he couldn’t help but stare at it in a daze.

In the meantime, Georgina only remembered that the necklace was still downstairs when she was back in her room, and when she returned to retrieve it, she happened to see this scene.

Softly, she said, “Dad?”

Jerking back to his senses, he asked, “Did you ju


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