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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Taken Away by the Pearsons

Right after Leanna left the office, a black car pulled to a stop in front of her.

She instinctively backed away as her heart began to race and her unease grew stronger.

Soon, the car door opened to reveal Mr. Johnson, the butler of the Pearson Family.

“Miss McKinney, please come with me to the Pearson Family Estate,” he said.

While he said ‘please’, there was not an ounce of politeness in his voice. In fact, it was aloof and spine-chilling.

“No, I won’t go.” She shook her head. “Aidan and I are divorced. I do not need…”

“Miss McKinney, I have been sent by Old Master Pearson. Even if you do not want to come, please think of your child. It cannot suffer through a lot, after all.”

Two men appeared to stand behind Mr. Johnson.

Her face went pale as her blood seemed to freeze inside her veins. She went numb.

She had thought this might happen, but she did not think it would happen so soon.

She was not prepared at all.

“Please, Old Master Pearson is waiting for you,” repeated Mr. Johnson.

She bit her lip. Her entire body was trembling.

Still, she had no other choice.

After they left, Queenie walked out from around the corner. She frowned. Just to whom did Leanna get married?

On the way back to the Pearson Family Estate, Leanna kept her head down as she pressed her hands tightly together. She barely even breathed.

From the passenger seat where he was sitting, Mr. Johnson glanced at her through the rearview mirror. “There is no need to be so nervous. Old Master Pearson merely wished to confirm the identity of the father. If it is Young Master Aidan’s, you need only focus on giving birth to the child. No one would be allowed to harm you before that happened.”

Hearing that made her throat go so dry that it hurt. She had no reply to that, and she could not speak anyway.

Aidan surely detested her right now.

She closed her eyes and laid her hands on her abdome

n. Immense despair overwhelmed her.

There was a chance she could not save this child.

Pearson Group.

Jonathon hurriedly knocked on the door before barging into the president’s office. “Bad news, President Pearson,” he gasped.

“What has Leanna done now?” Aidan glared at him in impatience.

“Mrs. Pearson has been taken away by the Pearsons!”

Aidan’s face clouded over. “When did it happen?” His voice was as cold as ice.

“About ten minutes ago. Our people were nearby, but Mr. Johnson was there. Since she is pregnant, we were afraid she might be hurt if a fight broke out, so…”

Aidan shot to his feet and strode out of the room as he coldly said, “He took Leanna because he wanted to control me through the child she bears. Stay here and keep an eye on the office, Jonathon. Once his men make a move, kick them out immediately.”

“Yes, sir,” Jonathon hurriedly replied.

“Call Georgina. Tell her I will do anything she asks as long as she heads over to the Pearson Family Estate now.”

Jonathon paused. “Yes, sir.”


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