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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Vulgar People Cannot Be Changed

“Aidan does not even care about her,” said Anna to Justin. “Why are you so concerned on her behalf? She deserves what is happening to her!”

“Enough, Anna,” said Justin. “Leanna will be staying here for a while, so stop with the nonsense.”

Anna huffed. She glared at Leanna before retreating back to her room.

Just then, the servant returned. “Young Master, the room is ready.”

Justin nodded in response before turning to Leanna. “Let’s go. I will lead you to your room.”

They stopped at the doorway to her new room. “Please do not take what Aidan said today to heart. He is… actually doing this for you.”

“Maybe.” Leanna faintly smiled.

“You know how bad his relationship is with the family. What happened today is actually just…”

“We are divorced,” Leanna interjected. “He has no reason to care for me or my feelings. I have met Miss Crossley. They are quite a good match for each other.”

He sighed. “Rest well. I will talk to my father about your stay here. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

She did not know what else to say to him.

In this entire family, only Justin thought of her as human.

He watched her enter her room before finally going away.

Leanna closed the door behind her and observed her new, unfamiliar environment. A sense of helplessness rose in her. She felt so exhausted.

Inside a black Rolls-Royce.

“You did that for Miss McKinney, didn’t you?” Georgina asked.

Aidan massaged his temples with his hands. His face was blank as he replied, “You’re overthinking it.”

“Why else would you suddenly agree to marry me?”

“It is because I want to. If you have objections, you do not need to marry me.”

She let out a chuckle. After a while, she asked, “Are you not afraid that she will really think something is going on between us?”

Frustrated by her endless questions, Aidan barked out, “It would be weird if there was nothing between us. After all, we are getting married.”

“I mean, aren’t you afraid she will be sad?”

His only answer was a snort of laughter. After all, Leanna was a heartless woman. How could she be sad?

When he remained silent, she said, “Well, I am happy, no matter what your reasons are for marrying me. I will be the best wife I can be and take care of your and Leanna’s child.”

“Save the polite niceties,” Aidan responded. “I know what you are planning.”

She smiled but did not deny his accusation. Instead, she asked, “I am actually curious about something, Aidan. You know the child will be the biggest trick up your father’s sleeve in the future, so why risk it? Why let it live?”

Aidan’s lips twitched upward in a sneer. “Do you also believe I am a cold, cruel, and heartless man? Do you think I will do anything for power?”

She stared at him, stunned. It was then that she realized she had misspoken. “That is not what I meant…”

He stared out of the window, seemingly uninterested in hearing her explanation. With a blank look on his face, no one could tell what he was thinking.

She bit her lip. If her guess was right, the reason the child was left alive was not that Aidan felt some connection to it as a father.

Rather, he did it because of… Leanna.


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