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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Escape Route

Out of everyone, Gordon was the most upset about Aidan’s return to the Pearson Family Estate. However, he could not do anything about it even when he was in a fit of rage.

Needless to say, the entire family was on edge, and the air in the house crackled with dangerous energy.

Anna was just about to go back to her room when Aidan stopped her at the landing. She jumped, then willed her heart to stop beating so loudly as she turned to greet him, “A-Aidan…”

He swept his icy gaze over her and drawled impassively, “I thought I made my warning very clear.”

Knowing that he was here to punish her, she blurted out, “I didn’t breathe a word about that bi—I mean, Leanna’s—pregnancy, I swear!”

It was hard to tell if Aidan was convinced as he stared at Anna ominously. A chill ran down her spine as fear cloaked her. She gritted her teeth and considered her options. She knew that he would look into this and learn the truth even if she lied to him now, so she squeaked, “It was Carly. She was the one who brought up Leanna’s pregnancy and Uncle Gordon overheard her.”

Aidan asked coldly, “And how did she find out about Leanna’s pregnancy?”

“I… I don’t know, but from what I could tell, Carly knew about it right from the start. I guess it was around the time of Aunt Sienna’s birthday, but she’s always believed it was Zayn’s kid…” This was a clever evasive maneuver on Anna’s part. She had dragged Carly into this and casually reminded Aidan that Leanna had not fallen into the water by accident the last time, thereby clearing any suspicion he might have of her.

Presently, Aidan chuckled and looked up at her with his obsidian eyes which were like depthless, icy pools as he warned, “I suggest you refrain from playing games with me, Anna, because I’ll be looking into every detail you just told me.”

Anna swallowed and tried to keep her voice from shaking. “I’m telling you the truth, Aidan. You have to believe me!”

She waited until he left before scurrying back into her room, whereupon she realized she was so intimidated by him she had broken out in cold sweat.

“President Pearson, should we investigate the Barnetts and find out if they had anything to do with this?” Jonathan asked, falling in step behind Aidan.

“No need,” Aidan replied curtly. He paused in thought, then asked, “Has Carly given birth yet?”

“Five days ago.”

“Send her a gift basket.”

Jonathan nodded. “And the wording on the card, President Pearson?”

Aidan raised a brow and said, “‘Stay away from icy waters.'”

“I’ll get right to it.” Jonathan nodded once more, then left to have the gift basket and the card prepared.

When Aidan walked past Leanna’s door, he consciously slowed in his steps and glanced at it.

Meanwhile, Leanna was seated at the desk doodling to pass the time when she suddenly heard a knock at the door. She checked the time and saw that it was only 9.00 PM. Supper would not be brought up to her for another hour. She looked at the door and had a fair guess of who was standing on the other side of it, then set her pencil down on the desk as she rose to get the door. Exasperatedly, she said, “What do you want—”

She stopped mid-sentence when she registered the person standing out in the hallway, and her eyes widened by a fraction.

Sienna raised a brow and eyed her with amusement. “Did you think I was Aidan?”

Leanna pursed her lips. “Sorry, I—”

“Let’s talk behind closed doors, shall we?” Sienna did not wait for her to agree before brushing past her into the room.


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