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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 The Wedding in a Month’s Time

Leanna opened the door; although Anna’s appearance surprised her, she asked calmly, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

Anna displayed haughtiness and disdain with her arms crossed. “Seems like you’re not affected in the slightest even after the big incident. You must be living a happy life, aren’t you?”

Her sarcastic tone implied her purpose of coming over was to poke fun at Leanna, who was not in the mood of playing along with her. “Is there anything you wanna say?”

“Nothing in particular,” Anna mocked. “Don’t you know that bad things keep happening ever since the day you move to our house? How do you sleep at night knowing that you don’t belong here?”

“If you can persuade Old Master Pearson, I can leave immediately.” Leanna was trying to protect herself.

It had been a week since she started living here and there had been no issue at all. It was obvious that Anna wanted to cause a scene by getting on her nerves right now. Bringing up Gordon’s name was to remind Anna of the situation and suggest she back off.

The trick worked as her expression showed nuances, albeit for a fleeting second. She centered herself and jeered at Leanna, “You must be naive to think that I’ll be afraid of you just because you brought up Uncle Gordon. He just needs the baby in your belly to control Aidan. He doesn’t care even if you’re dead.”

Leanna smiled lightly in return. “That is true. No one cares if I’m dead. So, tell me, Anna Pearson, are you going to put your life at stake just to take me down right now? Or, are you going to wait after I give birth to the child?”

A flicker of resentment flashed across Anna’s eyes when she heard that. “Leanna McKinney, do you really think that you can keep that illegitimate child of yours?”

The smile on Leanna’s face gradually simmered as she stared coldly at Anna, who was content by the reaction. Anna continued nonchalantly, “You do know that your baby is nothing but a puppet, right? It’s not like the child is irreplaceable. If Uncle Gordon can find an illegitimate child, he can find the second and the third one. Your child is not as important as you believe, you know?”

Hearing that, Leanna finally understood the reason as to why Anna was at her door. Considering how Anna was afraid of Aidan back then, there was a possibility that she did not know about his identity as the illegitimate child.

It was probably because of his warning that made her stop her ploys for a short period of time, but her attitude totally changed after the truth of the illegitimate child had been transpired.

Contempt seeped into her words whenever she spoke of Aidan. Such a thing would not have happened if it was still yesterday.

Leanna held her tongue for a moment before gazing at her with serenity. “If the baby isn’t all that important, then why do you think I am confined here?”

It was now Anna’s turn to stay silent for a few moments before retorting, “Don’t get too full of yourself. I won’t let you slide off that easily.”

Leanna smiled. “Same goes for you.”

Recalling Leanna’s warning when she first returned to the country, Anna’s expression slightly changed. It was not that she was scared of Leanna, but Aidan might really let her pay the price with her life if he found out about the truth of the incident.

After Anna left, Leanna closed and locked the door as though that could give her a sense of security. She then sat on the bed wearily as she felt something sapped her energy; even her palms were clammy with sweat. That was close.

While confronting someone as domineering as Anna, Leanna knew well that she should never show signs of weaknesses during a clash. Although Leanna managed to pull it through tonight, Anna resembled a ticking time bomb that would go off any second now.

At that moment, Leanna’s phone rang. It was Zoe.


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