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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 You Got What You Wanted

Aidan grunted and pulled his hand back. He looked at the wrecked black car and asked coldly, “Who’s the owner?”

“We’re still looking into it, sir,” Jonathan said. “But a few families made their move tonight, including the Crossleys. The Crossleys didn’t do much though. They probably only wanted the madam.”

After a pause, Jonathan continued, “Mr. Gordon’s men were planning to take the madam tonight, and we’ve been keeping an eye on them, but something happened on our end right after they came down. Mr. Gordon’s men were already down when we got there, and the madam was already taken away. As for the mastermind, I—”

Aidan strode into the hospital, the look on his face still furious. “Who else but her?”

Jonathan knew who he was talking about. He kept quiet and followed Aidan.

The operation went on for ten hours.

Aidan waited outside for ten whole hours.

Georgina was standing in the corner. She saw Aidan waiting for Leanna, his hands covered in blood. She bit her lip and backed off, but not before she glanced at the sign over the operating room’s door. I’ll be nothing to him if she gets through this. He might have agreed to the marriage, but he never saw me as his wife. I’m just an object for him. Just something he can use to make more money. He doesn’t love me. All he cares about is her. She took a deep breath and left. But I won’t give up. Someday I will get the respect I deserve.

The first thing Leanna saw when she woke up was a blinding white light. She opened her eyes with difficulty and managed to focus after a long while. She eventually noticed the scent of antiseptic and the beeps of the machine beside her. She spaced out for a long while, and when she finally snapped out of it, she remembered something important. She placed her hand on her belly, but it was no longer round. Instead, it was flat and covered in bandages. She pushed herself up with sheer willpower and pulled out the needles in her. She wanted to get out of bed.

Someone came in, and Aidan appeared before her. He was shocked to see Leanna trying to get out of bed, and he strode over to hold her down. “Are you mad? You could die!” He rang the bell and called for the nurses.

Leanna looked up at him, her face pale, and her eyes bereft of any emotion. “Where’s my baby, Aidan?”

He looked away. “It’s gone,” he said calmly.

Leanna stared at him stubbornly. “What do you mean it’s gone?” Aidan did not answer. Leanna grabbed his arm. She asked despairingly, her voice raspy, “What do you mean it’s gone? You promised I could have the baby. You promised you wouldn’t hurt it. You promised!”

“Alright, enough.” Aidan hugged her in an attempt to calm her down. “Now, calm down.”

Leanna slowly stopped struggling. She felt helpless about the whole thing. A moment later, she said coldly, “You got your wish, Aidan. Happy now?”

Aidan froze, and his jaw tensed. He asked coldly, “Is that how you see me?”

“How else am I supposed to see you?” She pushed him away and smiled. “You’ve been trying to get rid of my baby ever since you found out I was pregnant. You’d give me half of your company just for that. Well, it’s all over now, and you won’t have to worry about an unborn child threatening your spot.”

Aidan’s face fell. “I know you’re upset, so I’ll let this slide. Just get some rest.”


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