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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Let’s Date a Playboy

Louis shot that idea down with a stern expression. “She can’t be eating such greasy food when she just got out of the hospital.”

He exposed their lies without even so much as a blink.


Leanna and Zoe were dumbfounded.

Zoe turned around and whispered, “Your younger brother was probably a spy in his previous life. It’s impossible to keep anything from him.”

“I think so too.” Leanna nodded in agreement.

Louis ignored them and marched out of the elevator when the doors opened.

It was not that he was angry that they kept this from him. He knew that Leanna was worried that he might go looking for Aidan. That would not be wise of him, considering that he was powerless to do anything right now.

Still, he hated the fact that he was kept out of the loop when something this major occurred.

Even now, he was afraid of asking Leanna about the baby she was carrying, and the baby’s whereabouts now.

Zoe relied on ordering takeout most of the time, so the apartment was not stocked with any type of fresh ingredients. Louis took one look at the fridge and headed out the door.

When the door closed behind him, Zoe sighed in relief. It felt like she could finally breathe again. “Louis has got a temper just like yours. It’s so scary.”

All Leanna thought of was, Huh?

She was a pretty gentle person, if she did say so herself.

After a while, Zoe asked out of curiosity, “He looked pretty fierce when he stormed off. Do you think he’s going to go after Aidan for revenge?”

“No,” Leanna replied.

She understood Louis. He was not the kind of person who would behave so recklessly.

Zoe patted her chest and said, “Thank goodness.”

Soon enough, Louis came back with two humongous bags of fruits and vegetables and headed straight for the kitchen.

Zoe cut up an orange and passed half to Leanna as she lamented wistfully, “It’s so great to have a younger brother. I want a handsome and caring brother too. In my next life, give me a brother instead of a husband. Do you know if Louis prefers a woman who’s older or younger than him? Do you think I have… Mmph!”

Leanna stuffed a slice of orange into her mouth and snorted. “Cut that out. You’ve known Louis since he was a little boy. How can you even joke about that?”

After swallowing the orange, Zoe piped up, “I won’t act on it, but it doesn’t mean I can’t think about it.”

Leanna was speechless.

A short while later, Zoe asked, “By the way, I sold off that house of mine, and I don’t plan on buying another one anytime soon. I feel like starting a company and setting up a studio. Why don’t we do it together?”

“Me?” Leanna was taken aback.

“Yeah, you. We can run a studio together. You’ll be in charge of jewelry design and I’ll be in charge of marketing and photography. If we manage to get a VIP customer, we can even offer a free photoshoot. It’ll be perfect.”

Leanna mulled it over for quite some time before saying, “Let me think it over.”

“Sure. Take all the time you need.”

Zoe could deduce the reason for Leanna’s hesitation. It probably had to do with Lux Magazine, as the company was the one who gave her the platform and the opportunity to resume her career.

Time continued flying by, and by the time Louis was done preparing a pot of minestrone, the smell had wafted all over the living room.

Zoe walked over with a bag of chips in hand. She stood at the kitchen door and exclaimed, “Louis, when you get a girlfriend in the future, remember to come home and visit your sister and me.”

Louis was rendered speechless.


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