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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Probably Turning From Mistress to Missus Soon

Gordon contemplated for a moment before turning to the butler. “Prepare a gift this instant. I’ll head to Crossley Residence and apologize first thing in the morning.”

Now that it had come to this, it was inevitable that the Corssleys and their family would fall foul of each other. However, Aidan was the one who caused this mess. If he used this chance to butter up to the Crossleys and win them over, the result might multiply.

Once Lloyd was willing to side with him, it would only be a matter of time before Pearson Group returned to him.

The following day, after a whole night of deliberation, Leanna still decided to quit Lux.

There had been many outside controversies between her and Lux Magazine in the first place anyway. Plus, it had been a long while since she returned to her post. She would only continue to affect Lux negatively if she stayed.

With that, she handed Harvey her resignation letter, to which he sighed like he had already foreseen it. However, he only said, “Lux will welcome you back with open arms anytime.”

Leanna nodded with a smile. “Thank you for all the care and help you’ve given me, Mr. Mancini.”

“Let’s be honest; what help have I provided you?” said Harvey. “Zoe also handed in her resignation letter last week. What are you girls planning to do next?”

“We might open our own studio, but it’s all still in talks,” Leanna answered.

“Alright, cool. I consider myself somewhat connected in the fashion world. Let me know if you girls do decide to start your own studio. I’ll introduce you girls to some clients.”

“Thank you, Mr. Mancini.”

As Leanna was about to leave, Harvey mentioned, “Queenie has been suspended, and Lux is dealing with it as we speak. We just have to wait for the results of the investigation. I promise I will still give you a justifiable answer even if you’ve decided to leave.”

“I don’t plan on pursuing this matter anymore,” said Leanna after a pause. “She had done so simply because she perceived me as an enemy. It’ll all be over once I leave Lux.”


“It’s not that I’m being magnanimous.” Leanna smiled and cut off Harvey, knowing what he wanted to say. “I just owed someone a favor.”

At that, he nodded and no longer tried to persuade her. “Since you’ve decided to put it down, there’s no reason for Lux to continue the investigation.”

However, it was impossible for Lux to retain someone like Queenie.

After exiting Harvey’s office, Leanna heard a group discussing something in the break room right when she was about to leave.

“Say, have you guys heard? The Pearson Family and Crossley Family are calling off the engagement. Rumor has it that it’s because President Pearson is an illegitimate son.”

“Sh*t, really? I thought they’d already dispelled that rumor, no?”

“Do you think it could be fake news when Pearson Group was the one who released the official statement? It’s written in black and white that they’re unworthy of the young lady of the Crossley Family. Only someone with a death wish would dare to release such a statement without President Pearson’s authorization.”

“F*ck, this is crazy. But if President Pearson really is an illegitimate son, then who could his mother be? I’ve never heard there had ever been any missus and mistress drama in the Pearson Family all these years.”

“Well, who would know… But you know what I’m more curious about? Who in the Pearson Family does McK have relations with?”

Leanna stayed to hear what the group had to say.

“Yeah, I wanted to ask about that. This revelation still has questions left unanswered, but there aren’t any more relevant follow-ups.”

“The Pearsons’ business is family-owned. There are so many people tied to them; there isn’t definite proof pointing her to any one of them, even if she appeared in Pearson Residence. Even if she is related to the Pearson Family, she can possibly just be a distant relative.”

“Then again, I think she’s quite something. To think she actually got pregnant. Looks to me; she’s probably turning from mistress to missus soon.”


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