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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 He Can Think Whatever He Wants

The majority of the customers that arrived today were introduced by Harvey and Daphne; most of them were celebrities and celebrities’ fans. Therefore, the place looked especially crowded despite its limited size. Later that afternoon, they decided to sit down and take a break just when they heard a man’s gentle voice from the door. “I’m sorry. Did I come at the wrong time?”

Zoe naturally stood up and greeted the visitor. “No, of course not. Please come in…” As she was speaking, she suddenly found the man in the wheelchair rather familiar. Wait a second! This man came to Lux Magazine earlier. He must be Aidan’s brother, according to Leanna.

When she snapped out of her trance, Leanna responded with a soft voice,”Mr. Pearson.”

Justin smiled and raised his hand up, telling his subordinates behind him with his gesture to present his gift. “I heard you and your friend just opened a studio, so I came here to show my support and have a look at the place.” In the meantime, Zoe was staring at the gift, unsure whether she should accept the gift or not. Nevertheless, he reacted by shooting a gaze at his men who immediately understood his message. His men then set the items on the table, turned around, and went out the door.

At the same time, Zoe, who appeared hesitant in facing the man, said with a soft voice, “Nana, I’m going to get myself something to eat.”

Leanna nodded in response. As soon as she left, she asked, “How can I help you, Mr. Pearson?”

Justin sighed and replied, “I’m so sorry, Leanna.”

She smiled faintly and asked, “Why are you apologizing, Mr. Pearson? You didn’t do anything wrong, so there is no need for you to apologize to me.”

“Actually, I’m apologizing to you on my mother’s behalf.” He added, “I know what she did was unacceptable, and I don’t dare to beg for your forgiveness, but I thought I should apologize anyway, no matter what you think.”

She pursed her lips for a while and said, “I really appreciate the care and love that you

showed me when I was still a part of the Pearson Family, Mr. Pearson, but I’m afraid I can’t just forget about everything that happened.”

“I understand how you feel, which is why I had been struggling to meet you for the past two months, but I can assure you that no one else in the Pearson Family will ever cause you any harm again. At the same time, please let me know if you require anything.”

She kept her head slightly down and her face expressionless. Since the Pearson Family had never treated her with respect, she believed they thought little of her even more now that she had outlived her usefulness. Soon, she asked, “Anything?”

“Yes, anything.” He nodded in response.

“Tell Anna to call off her engagement with Zayn, but the Pearson Family must give the Barnett Family exactly what they have pledged, not a cent less.” Her words were met with a change of expression on his face and she said, “If that’s too much to ask, Mr. Pearson, forget about it.”

“No, it’s not that.” Justin smiled in embarrassment. “I was just a little surprised to hear that. I didn’t think that was what you’d ask for.”

“Zayn is my friend, and he’s helped me a lot, so I can’t allow him to marry a lady he doesn’t love at all, not to mention the fact that she is a madwoman just because of his family…” Leanna smiled mid-sentence and said, “I’ve also thought about the rest, but I’m aware of the reason that you swung by to visit, Mr. Pearson. You’re just trying to soften me up so that I would concede. After all, she is your mother, and I know you’re counting on that fact to make me go easy on her.”


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