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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Does She Have Feelings for You?

Their relationship now was fine too, preserving the purest feelings for each other just like the good old days.

Zoe said, “Never mind. Yesterday is history… Oh, by the way, there’ll be a college alumni reunion this Sunday. I’ve already said yes on your behalf, so we can go together. ”

Hearing that, Leanna was stunned for a moment before she responded, “But I’m not done with my design—”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to finish it in these two days anyway, and adequate relaxation can help you spark inspiration quicker too.” Zoe then sighed with emotion, “It’s been so long since the last time we gathered together. Everyone’s asking about you.”

When she realized that Leanna was still hesitating, she hugged her on the arm and started swaying. “Hmm? Please, Nana. I really want to go.”

Looking at Zoe’s coy begging and determination, Leanna smiled and said, “Okay, okay. I’ll go with you.” They had been so busy the past few months that they didn’t have time to have a proper rest. Therefore, it was good to spend some time outside too.

Meanwhile, in the Pearson Group, Jonathan felt that the president’s office had been engulfed in a cold and serious atmosphere for the past few days. Every employee that entered the office was holding their breath in fear. Needless to say, it was challenging for Jonathan, who needed to go in and out of the president’s office every day. He was feeling the pressure that he had never felt before since he started his career.

After Aidan signed the document, Jonathan went over to him and took the document. Then, he said carefully, “President Pearson…”

“What?” Aidan spit out a cold and heartless word.

Jonathan continued, “I’ve just got the news that Mr. Barnett is going to Swiysal. He’s flying in half an hour.”

When Aidan heard that, his hand, which was holding the pen, came to a halt. He lifted his head and looked at Jonathan. “Do you want me to send him off?”

Jonathan was speechless for a moment. After clearing his throat, he said, “Mr. Barnett will be in Swiysal for at least two years.”

After pressing his thin lips together, Aidan replied after a few seconds, “Really


“Yes. I’ve double-checked it.”

All of a sudden, Aidan didn’t say anything, putting his pen down and falling into deep thoughts.

Jonathan took the chance to say, “I think you’ve misunderstood, President Pearson… The reason why Madam asked Mr. Barnett to call off the engagement with Miss Anna is probably not because she wanted to be together with him. So…”

“What’s her reason then?”

“As you know, Madam’s relationship with Miss Anna has been bad. And Miss Anna’s personality is not so… accommodating. So, I think there are two possibilities as to why Madam is doing this; one is to take revenge on Miss Anna, and the other one is probably to take this chance to return the favor to Mr. Barnett.”

Hearing that, Aidan scoffed, “How come I didn’t see her return my favor when she owes me so much?”

“This means that the status of President Pearson and Mr. Barnett is different in Madam’s mind,” said Jonathan.

Aidan merely raised his brows, and his gloomy expression was obviously turning brighter.

When Jonathan saw that, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He was really put in a difficult position.

At night, in the Patheon Club, Oscar was amazed. “It’s so rare to see you have time to be out here. Before this, you looked like you had a grudge against alcohol.”


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