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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 He’d Skin Me Alive Leanna only woke up the next afternoon. Zoe, who was startled, gasped when she saw how haggard Leanna was.

"What happened to you, Nana?!" The latter then let out a yawn before she mumbled, “It is nothing.

I designed some drafts last night.

I only went to sleep at 7AM." "Why are you pushing yourself so hard? There is still time, isn’t there?” “I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Leanna sat on the couch and stared blankly ahead. She felt so irritable last night that she only slowly calmed down to draw a draft after 2.00AM.

She didn't even notice the clock ticking away. After Zoe peeled an orange for her, she looked at the big cardboard boxes still piled up in the house.

"Have you thought about how you are going to deal with this?” she asked. Leanna’s gaze went in the direction Zoe was looking at.

She lowered her head for a moment before she said, “I will just donate the clothes and give out the accessories.” “How about you donate them to me?" Zoe asked, her eyes earnestly peering at her friend. Leanna didn't say anything at first, but she eventually smiled and offered, "Go ahead and take them." "Forget it!" Zoe pouted.

"Aidan will skin me alive if he knew." She was just joking, anyway. Leanna gave it a thought before she looked at the boxes again. In all honesty, those clothes were all as obnoxious as they were impractical that it didn't seem to make sense to donate them. She finally stood up after she thought it over.

“Zoe, I will go get changed.

We are going out in a bit." "Where are we going?" "All the clothes still have their price tags on.

I am sure they will still be worth a lot even if we sold them to a boutique at discounted prices." "You're right!" Zoe's eyes instantly glinted when she heard that.

"How did I not think of that?!" When Leanna went to change her clothes, Zoe had quickly sorted out the different brands of clothing. The duo then went to their first luxury store.

However, the saleswoman that welcomed them was obviously stunned when she saw them holding a cardboard box full of clothes.

"Ma'am, may I know the purpose of your visit?" Leanna proceeded to give her a smile, and respectfully told her why she was here. "Please give me a moment while I get the store manager," the saleswoman said. "Alright.

Thank you for your help." After the saleswoman left, Zoe started strolling around looking at the clothes in the store.

She flipped the price tags over and glanced at them, then quickly flipped them back before she carefully brushed off the part she laid her hand on. The clothes that Aidan sent over had tags that didn't show their prices. Although Zoe knew that they were definitely not cheap, she didn't think they would be that expensive. Even a mere thin camisole was priced higher than her lens. After she noticed this, she quickly huddled over to Leanna and whispered, "Nana, this box of clothes is worth hundreds of thousands.

Don't forget there are a few other boxes of clothes from different brands in our car… And those jewelry.Why does that b*stard still wants you to return the money after the divorce when he is so generous?" "I did borrow money from him, after all.

There is even an IOU." "Anyway, he is an enigma to me sometimes.

We can never guess what he is thinking." Leanna only smiled without saying anything in return. Right at this moment, the saleswoman from earlier came back to them with the store manager beside her. The manager then inquired, "We understand the purpose for your visit, ma'am.

I would like to reconfirm with you that you don't want any of the clothes in this box, yes?” Leanna nodded in reply. “Understood.

Please hold on for the time being.

We will need some time to sort out the clothes in the box and give you an estimated price.” “Sorry for the trouble.” “Please don’t worry about it.

You may have a seat here.”

“It’s alright,” Leanna said.

“We will be walking around nearby.


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