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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205 Too Many Thugs Leanna got back home and plopped down on the sofa. I’m beat. Zoe came out of the bathroom with a mask on.

“You’re out late.

Had supper with Elijah?”

Leanna moaned weakly.

“And I ran into Aidan too.”


She sat down beside Leanna.

“Again?” She was astonished.

"How did you run into him again?" Leanna laughed, but she didn’t elaborate.

Even talking was too much for her. Zoe adjusted her mask.

“This is a cruel joke.

You guys can't be together, but you can't cut all ties with him either.

That’s damning.”

Leanna stared ahead listlessly for a while.

“How’s Tiffany doing?”

“The doctor said it’s just a scratch.

I Venmoed her the money for her bill and gave her two days off to rest up and heal.” Leanna nodded.

“She must be shocked.

We need to see her after work tomorrow." "Sure." Zoe said, “If you ask me, those ladies were a pair of troublemakers.

You run into all sorts of people nowadays.

Scammers used to roam the streets, and now they're targeting shops.

Can't believe they thought we were easy prey." Leanna didn't answer right away.

A moment later, she said, "I think the girl was forced into it by her mother.” “Yeah, I noticed it too.

Her mother was a witch.

I thought she would curse us." Zoe turned around and was met with a spaced-out Leanna.

Oh, she’s thinking about it right now.

“It’s alright, Nana.” She patted Leanna’s shoulder.

“It’s in the past now, Nana.

Stop thinking about it.

We just have to be true to ourselves." Leanna refocused her mind and smiled at her friend.

“I get it.

Now get some sleep." … When she arrived at the studio the next day, Leanna was greeted by a pile of garbage at the entrance.

The air itself was filled with the stench of rotten food and refuse. Zoe came over after she parked the car, and when she saw what happened, she cursed, "Holy f*ck.

Which *sshole did this?”

Leanna said nothing.

She got some cleaning tools and cleared the garbage away. Zoe helped, and she hissed, “I bet it’s that b*tch.

Look at her.

She looks like your stereotypical witch." Leanna said, "I don't think she’ll stop here.

Look out for yourself." "I'm ordering us some surveillance cameras and installing them all over the shop.

The moment she shows up, we ring the alarm bells." Since Tiffany was absent, only Zoe and another girl were running the shop.


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