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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 225

The hotel manager went to Aidan's room and reported, "Sir, the madam has agreed to join the session, but..

Aidan was on the sofa. "But what?" he asked calmly

The manager felt his heart skip a beat, but he said, "But she wants to bring a friend with her."

Aidan's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he tapped his fingers on his knee. The man was deliberating over something, and then he asked, "When is she going to the session?"

"She's attending Constellation Tech's banquet My guess is after the banquet has ended."

Aidan stood up. "Make the preparations. If Elijah is going with her, stop him."

The banquet was underway. Constellation Tech's top brass made their speeches, and Elijah was the last in that line. After the boring speeches were done, it was time for the wheel of fortune.

Leanna looked at the time. It was already half past seven. She leaned in and whispered, "l need to go, Elijah."

Elijah paused for a moment. "Where?"

"Somewhere. I need to settle something." She gave him a smile.

Elijah knew it had something to do with Aidan. A moment of silence later, he said, "I'll go with you."

Leanna answered, "It's fine. I can handle this myself"

Elijah's assistant came to him and said the next event was starting. As the company's boss, Elijah couldn't leave when the event was underway.

Leanna said, "Go. I'll be leaving now."

Elijah had no choice but to nod. "Call me when you're done. I'll pick you up."


She left the ballroom and went down to the first floor. A car was already waiting for her outside.

A guy approached her. "Might you be Miss McKinney?"

"l work for the resort I'll be taking you to the observatory deck now"

She cracked a slight smile. "Thank you.'

The crew member drove up a slope. Ten minutes later, they came to a clearing, and what stood before them was a villa decked out with hot springs. There were a lot of stargazing gear in the garden as well as some tents. If the weather agreed with them, this would be a good place for sightseeing.

The crew member got out of the car and led her to the villa "Take a seat, ma'am."

Leanna looked at the food and wine on the table, and she nodded as thanks. Once the guy was gone, she took her seat and stared coolly at the wine.

A while later, she heard a loud explosion in the sky in the distance. She turned around and saw fireworks blooming in the heavens and shining on the resort The little show caught her by surprise.

She swiveled around, ready to snap, but it was just the guy who took her to this villa

The guy was a little bit surprised by her turning around and getting ready to yell at him. "Is everything alright, Miss McKinney?"

Well, this is awkward. She picked the wine up and took a sip, and then she laughed dryly. "What is it?"

Leanna didn't take it immediately. She then realized something. "About the fireworks...'

"I'll be waiting in the car, then.'

" She had no answer for that


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