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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Aidan answered slowly and calmly, "No. I didn't do this."

Leanna chortled. She didn't believe him at all. She apploached the boulders and shone her flashlight around to look for a way out.

At the same time, Aidan said, "We're on a mountain path. It's nonnal that boulders roll around and block the way. Someone will clean them up in the morning. "

She ignored him. Leanna took her heels off and tried to climb over the boulders.

As Aidan watched her climb, he poked his teeth with his tongue and pinched his nose before going ahead.

There were a lot of stones around the boulder. Not only did Leanna fail to climb across, but her feet were also injured as well. She was going for another attempt, but someone suddenly picked her up and took her down from the boulders.

"I have no idea what you think sometimes. "

She snarkily retorted, "And I have no idea how you can do something like this without feeling any shame. '

Aidan put her down on the ground. "I didn't do this. "

"Your words mean nothing to me. '

He put a hand on his shoulders and stared down at her. "Suit yourself." He licked his lips. A few moments later, Aidan added, "There's no way out tonight, but there's a place to stay on the mountain. Wanna come?"

Without hesitation, she answered, 'No. "

"Sure. Stay here until sunrise, then. I'll be going now." He turned around and walked into the darkness.

She clenched her teeth and whipped her phone out to call someone, but there was no signal in the mountains. She tried calling someone a few times near the boulders but to no avail. In the end, she had no strength left, and her phone was nearly dead. Leanna sat down and teared up.

The uincls stopped howling eventually. An eerie silence set in, and light snow started falling.

Leanna held her knees and cursed Aidan in her heart. He loves me? Yeah, right. He leaves me behind when I need him the most. His love means nothing but burden.

The more she thought about it, the more unfair this whole thing felt. The darkness around her amplified the fear she felt. Waves of tenor crashed over her, and she had to bite her lip down to stop herself from crying.

Just when she thought she might die out here, she heard the sounds of footsteps coming closer. Leanna looked up and saw Aidan in front of her.

He pulled his pants up and knelt on one knee. The weak light from his cellphone's flashlight shone on her teary eyes. "Wanna come?" he asked slowly.

Leanna turned away and stalted sobbing. Eventually, the sobs turned into uncontrollable cries.

A little smile curled Aidan's lips. "Alright, I'm sony. I shouldn't have left you behind. I didn't leave, you know. I was waiting for you to call me, but you just had to be so stubbom. '

Leanna noticed the laughter in his voice, and it made her angrier. She picked a stone up and smacked it on his expensive suit. "I didn't call you. Wh did you come back?"

"But you did call me.'

"I didn't!"

"I said I didn't call you! I—


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