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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 229

After Aidan closed the door behind him, Leanna shifted her gaze back to Elijah. She pursed her lips for a moment and said, "I've been thinking, and I thought we should stmt by getting along with each other, but I'm sorry. "

"And we're just stalting to get along. You don't have to reject me right away. "

Leanna shook her head. She couldn't fry to date Elijah while she still had ties with Aidan. It would be unfair to him.

Elijah said, "I know what you're thinking. But you and he are two different people.

"No, that's not what I meant." She thought about her answer for a moment. "I used to think I know what I want, and I never looked back after the divorce, but now... "

"Now you're wavering. "

Leanna couldn't answer for a moment. She was wavering.

For a while in the past, she thought Aidan liked her less than the files in his office, but now she realized he might not just be fooling around. It was tonight that she saw the real him, when before he was hidden beneath layers of veil.

Her silence was affilmation. Elijah paused for a moment, then he said, "You guys were man•ied for tln•ee years. It's normal that you have lingering feelings for him. I can wait, Leanna. Until you've forgotten all about him. Until you can start anew. "

Start anew. That's what I always tell myself. She thought she could forget the past if she stalted a new life, but now she realized things didn't work that way

There were no fresh stmts. Stalting a new life didn't mean the past would be deleted from memory.

For example, her malTiage Mith Aidan. She knew he despised her, but after living Mith him for years, Leanna slowly fell for him. Even though she kept calling him names, some part of her would always fall for him. I wish things were so easy.

Elijah said, "It's late. Get some sleep. We'll talk later.'

Leanna was indeed tired, so she nodded. "You too.'

She went back into her room and lay on the bed. There was nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. Half an hour later, someone rang the doorbell. She went over and opened the door only to be met by a staff member.

He handed her a gift box and a phone. "You left these in the villa. "

She looked at the phone, and realization stmck her. Oh, I left these on the sofa. The box was the gift that the staff member said was for her. Judging from the situation, this is from Aidan. She took the items from the staff member. "Thank you. '

The staff member bowed to her and left.

Leanna closed the door. The wound on her leg was reopening, so she hopped and skipped inside until she got to her bed. First, she took the charger out of her bag and plugged it into her phone before turning around to look at the gift box on the bed.

"It's a long story. '


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