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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 231

At the studio.

When Leanna arrived at the studio, she found Louis sorting through the orders in her office while Zoe was asleep at the front desk.

When Zoe saw Leanna, she shot to her feet. "Nana, didn't I tell you to stay home for the next two days? Why are you back so


"The wound is not that serious," Leanna replied, walking over to her. "I am all healed now, and it is so boring to be cooped up at home. '

"Oh, right. You said you were going to Weavside soon, right?" Zoe yau.mecl. "When will you be going?"

"My flight is tomorrow evening," answered Leanna.

"How long will you be gone for? Will you only be back for Christmas?"

Leanna chuckled. "I would only be away for two or three days at most, so I will be back."

Zoe nodded. "That is good. I was just telling Louis that if you are not back for Christmas, we will spend Christmas with you over there. I don't want to head back home this year. That way, I don't have to listen to my parents nagging me about Anthony and malTiage. Just listening to them makes me want to pull my hair out. "

Leanna went silent upon hearing that. "I bumped into Daniel at the elevator on my way here. He has asked me to tell you he is very sorry about what happened that day. "

Zoe waved her hand and nonchalantly said, "He has also asked Louis to pass the message. I don't care about it anymore. I will just be more careful in the future. "

As they were talking, Louis came out of the office and glanced at the clock. "I have to head out for a while."

Leanna nodded. "Where are you going?"

"It is just an errand. I will be back soon."

"I see. Go on."

After Louis left the studio, Zoe whispered, "Is he dating someone? He's acting very mysterious lately. "

Leanna shook her head. "No way. "

Zoe sighed. "Why are those beloved by fate and destiny so high in demand yet refuse to date anyone while people like us who dream of dating someone can never find someone? Life is so unfair!"

There was silence on Leanna's end.


After Louis an•ived at the location the private detective sent to him, he waited there for ten minutes or so, yet he saw no one around.

Just as he pulled out his phone to call the private detective, a few thugs walked up to him from behind.

The thugs were bouncers who worked at the casinos Jethro used to frequent. "Well, if it isn't Jethro's stinking son," they said upon seeing him. Their words were spoken in a taunting, vulgar manner. "They say you're in university now. So, you can spare the money for education, but not pay back your dad's debts?"

He ignored them and looked away. He moved to walk away but was soon blocked when they moved to stand in his way

"We hear Jethro sold your sister to some rich guy for quite a lot of money She is likely worth nothing now that she has been toyed with for so long. How about..."

"How about you tell your sister to come along and have fun with us?" one of the other men continued. "You won't have to pay us back then. Well?"

The rest of the gang burst out in roars of laughter at that.

A loud bang echoed tln•ough the air. Louis had punched the man who had spoken and sent him crashing into a wall.

Seeing that, the rest of the thugs joined in the fight.

The chaotic fight soon died down. The man who Louis had punched first spat out a mouthful of blood and glared hard at Louis. He pulled out a knife from his pockets and charged forward.

He was about to stab at Louis' waist when someone kicked his twist, and he was sent crashing into a corner while he yelped in


Louis turned around and found the men who had been standing behind him were all subdued.

A black Rolls-Royce pulled to a stop at the entrance of the alleyway and Aidan slowly stepped out of it.

"It is all my fault," pleaded the private detective. "I was blinded by the money. I am so sorry. I promise this ufll not happen agam. '


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