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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 233

Just as the bodyguard was about to walk over, someone an ann around Leanna's waist.

The next thing she knew, she was face-to-face with a urinal.

Before she knew what was going on, she heard footsteps echoing from outside the door.

She was soon dragged into a stall.

The bodyguards e charging in, banging door after door open as they checked through the toilets.

As her ears were filled ufth the banging of doors, her eyes widened. Why was Aidan here?

It took the bodyguards a short while before they reached Aidan and Leanna. He looked clou.m into her eyes and tightened his grip around her waist to force her to lean into his alms. Then, he ducked his head down to bite her lips.

She began to struggle due to reflexes, but then he grabbed her iwists and pinned her against the stall's wall.

In the toilets, faint panting could be heard underneath the banging of the doors.

There was a hint of intimacy in the pants.

The bodyguards exchanged glances. All of them knew what was going on inside that specific stall.

"Do not get distracted," one of them whispered. "The car will be here soon. Let's go. "

Soon, they were heard walking away.

Once the door slammed shut behind the men, Aidan finally let go of Leanna and stepped away while licking his lips in memory of what he had just tasted.

She, however, was furious. She whacked him with her bag as she shouted, "B*stard! You freaking pervert! "

When she was eventually done venting her anger, Aidan grabbed her i\Tist. "I just saved you. How ungrateful are you?"

"I did not ask you to do that!" She shot back.

Moreover, she was well up with her hood blocking most ofher face from public view, so those bodyguards might not have recognized her.

If he had not dragged her into the toilet cubicles out of the blue, they might never suspect her of anything.

"As I have told you, Anna is crazy," he said. "Ifshe sees you now, do you think she would really have mercy?"

Leanna did not want to discuss with Aidan about the what-ifs, though. She pushed him away and moved to leave, but then she heard two men speaking right outside.

Soon, she heard the sound of belts being unbuckled.

It was at that moment that she felt a strong urge to murder Aidan.

To her sulprise, she did not end up hearing the expected sound of people pissing. Instead, Aidan pulled her into his arms once more and clamped his hands over her ears tln•ough her jacket's hood.

Pressed against his chest, she looked up at him with her beautiful eyes that only held his reflection.

It was as if the sounds from beyond their stall belonged to another world.

All she could feel was his healtbeat against her chest.

As he stared into her eyes, his lips twitched upward in a smirk while he slowly lowered his head.

Just as he was about to kiss her once more, she slapped him across the face.

He had no words to respond to that with.

Leanna ignored his silence and leaned against the door to listen to what was going on outside. Once she was certain there was no one outside, she pushed the door open and sped out of the men's toilets with her hood held low over her face.

Aidan then followed suit with a lick of his lips.

She had just arrived at the waiting area when someone dragged her by the ann and shoved her into a black car.

Inside the car, Jonathan was visibly sulprised to see her there. "Ma—" he said in a daze before stopping himself. "Miss McKinney. "

She smiled at him with an expression that could no longer be merely described as awkward.


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