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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 236

Leanna felt that there must be something wrong with this person's head.

It's not like this is my first time here. NThat is there to be shy about?

From the way the b*stard spoke, it sounded like it was my first time visiting my mother-in-law ufth him...

At that thought, Leanna suddenly felt uneasy all over.

She faked a cough and stopped engaging in idle chatter with him. She tumed around and walked up the steps, then knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, the door was opened from within and Naomi's figure appeared before her.

A smile bloomed on Leanna's face. "Ms. Fletcher. '

"Oh, you're here, Leanna. Come on in," welcomed Naomi.

Leanna passed Naomi the things she had been canying all this while. "Ms. Fletcher, here are some nourishing supplements and food I bought in Highside. Do have a try

"These things can be bought anywhere, but you still brought them all the way here. "

At that moment, Wendy's voice sounded from ufthin. "Naomi, your daughter-in-law treats you so well. Your son visited so many times, yet he never brought anything ufth him. "

Leanna was speechless.

The thought that flashed across her mind at the entrance was now coming out of Wendy's mouth.

It would be fine if she came alone, but now that she came back with Aidan, it just seemed too strange to

Naomi smiled and took the things from Leanna. "Come on in."

Leanna trailed after Naomi into the house. When they passed by the yard, she was about to greet Wendy, who was seated at the stone table, when she unexpectedly saw a baby cradle beside Wendy.

Stunned, Leanna could not help but pause in her tracks.

Noticing that, Naomi placed the items on the table and explained calmly, "Come take a look, Leanna. This is Ms. Shaffer's grandchild. "

Wendy echoed, "Yes, yes. My daughter-in-law gave birth to a second child, but they were too busy, so I'm looking after the baby in their stead. Say, I'm so old now, and I can finally live life in peace...

As Wendy was talking, Leanna had already walked over to them.

The baby in the cradle was tiny and his two little fists were clenched tightly as he slept extremely soundly.

Leanna could not help but fall into a daze as she looked at the child. She slowly reached out, but stopped when she was halfway there.

Just as she wanted to retract her hand, the clenched fist suddenly opened up and grabbed her finger tightly. After a smack of his lips, the baby fell back asleep and did not seem like waking up at all.

In an instant, Leanna felt a part of her completely giving way, softening and melting into a messy puddle. She did not have the healt to retract her finger away, as if fearing that it would disturb the baby's sweet dreams.

At that, Naomi and Wendy exchanged glances as the latter coughed. "Leanna, don't keep standing. Come and have a seat. '

As such, Leanna pulled away from her thoughts for a little, then immediately sat on the stool beside her. She had yet to release her finger as she looked at Wendy and asked, "Ms. Shaffer, what's his name?"

"Uhm... " Wendy glanced at Naomi, sending a silent plea for help. "His name... "

Naomi said, "Ms. Shaffer has been troubled recently about this very thing. We thought about it for days, but we couldn't come up with a good name. Why don't you fry coming up with one?"

Leanna was obviously stunned. "Me?"

Wendy said as well, "Yes, yes, Leanna. You're a well-educated girl, so try giving him a name.'

Leanna felt that parents should be the one giving their children names, so she was not in a position to do so.

As if seeing through her thoughts, Naomi said, "We couldn't come up with a suitable name after so long, so you can come up Mith one as reference for the parents. "

Wendy continued in agreement, "Yes, yes. Ms. Fletcher is right. Leanna, I'm entrusting this to you. Just help me out."

Hearing that, Leanna did not decline anymore as she nodded lightly. 'Then, let me think about it. "

Then, she uttered quietly, "The picky one is outside and hasn't come in yet. '

Hearing that, Leanna tumed red in the face and almost choked. "Ms. Fletcher. '

Wendy immediately stood up right after. "I'm going too.'

As she walked out, she tumed back and said, "Oh, right. Leanna, Aidan, the baby's diapers and milk powder are inside. Ifhe cries, check if he soiled his diapers. If not, then he must be hungry. He only needs an ounce and a half of milk powder. Remember to mix the milk ufth wann water... '


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