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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 239

Leanna was now regretting it completely. She should not have mocked him with that question earlier.

After parking the car, Aidan said indifferently, "Get out. '

Pouting, Leanna had no choice but to compromise.

When they an•ived at the street of food stalls, Aidan ordered a few food items Leanna wanted to try last time. Then, he skilfully led her to the side and sat down.

Leanna was actually surprised to see him remembering every single food item from last time.

However, she was pregnant back then, so she had a bigger appetite. In contrast to the present, she could not finish all of the food.

Just as she was about to say something, Aidan met her gaze. "Do you need more?"

"Uh... No."

It was weird. She came here twice, and although everything seemed to be different, it felt completely the same somehow.

At the end of their meal, Leanna felt that her worries earlier were in vain since they had finished all of the food items they ordered with almost nothing left.

Aidan may be a picky person, but he would never waste food. Perhaps this was related to the habits he funnel during his childhood.

After the meal, Leanna asked tentatively, "President Pearson, shouldn't we head back now?"

Rising to his feet, Aidan replied leisurely, "Since we just finished eating, we should do something to aid our digestion.

With that, he strode toward the location of the love lock bridge.

Leanna was forced to follow.

It was a time when most students were on their winter break. There was an especially large number of young couples and it was even livelier compared to the last time they were there.

They had not walked for long before Leanna was separated from Aidan in the crowd.

Just as she was wondering if she should find someplace to sit, a wann large hand suddenly took hers.

She subconsciously raised her head to look. The b*stard who had disappeared in the crowd had come back without her noticing.

Leanna wanted to remove her hand from his, but she struggled a few times in vain, only to be grasped tighter. The man even took the opportunity to interlace his fingers tightly Mith hers.

Subsequently, he boldly found an excuse. "There are too many people here. We don't get separated if we do this."

Before she could decline, he continued walking forward while holding her hand.

Reluctant, Leanna continued to struggle with his hand. She did so until a small girl walked right in her direction. She did not notice the girl; had Aidan not reached out to shield her, she would have collided with the girl.

The place was indeed overcrowded, so Leanna could only give up.

Among the crowd, they looked like a normal lovely couple.

Once they reached the love lock bridge, Leanna was taken by surprise when Aidan actually took her to line up at the spot to purchase the love lock.

Still, she maintained her sense of reason and calm. "President Pearson, do you think this is reasonable?"

"Yes, I do.

"Well, I don't!"

Aidan's expression remained unfazed. "What can I say? That's your problem. "

At that point, Leanna did not want to play his stupid game anymore. Just as she was about to remove her hand from his again, fivo men walked up to them and one of them was holding a camera.

"Hello, we are the staff of the love lock bridge. Are you a couple by any chance?"

Aidan answered confidently, "We're married. "

The staff member immediately understood. "Sir, Ma'am, pardon the intrusion. We just feel that you both are a very loving couple, and your image and aura together are wonderful. May we invite you for a photo shoot to see as an adveltisement for the love lock bridge? To express our sincerity, you don't have to line up, so you can get the love locks right away. Besides that, we're also giving you a little gift. "

Pfft. Enlighten me, in what way do we look like a loving couple? Leanna sneered to herself.

At that moment, a man's calm voice sounded beside her. "Sure. "

Aidan leaned in and uttered slowly with his low voice, "If you keep struggling, I might kiss you in front of evelybody. '


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