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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Do You Think That I’m Here for Money? “What? Right…” “Thank you for taking care of her.” Zoe laughed awkwardly without knowing what to say. Back when Leanna told her that she had met up with Zayn to clear things up, Zoe assumed that he had already moved on from the past. However, it seemed to be the opposite case after what she had witnessed. Rather than saying he had let go, it would be more appropriate to conclude that he had sunk deeper than before. For half an hour, they remained as they were until Zoe took notice of Zayn, who seemed to have no intentions of leaving.

“I think you should head back first. I can accompany Nana by myself since the doctor said that it’s nothing major. She just has to rest up after this.” In actuality, she and Zayn were not really well-acquainted as she had only met him through Leanna a few times. However, it was just too awkward for Zoe to stay in silence with someone whom she had not seen for three years. Zayn, who wanted to reject her notion, could not find a suitable reason to stay, so he stood up and replied, “Please inform me when Leanna awakes.” “No problem. I’ll tell you the moment she wakes up.” Nodding, Zayn was about to leave when Zoe whispered to him, “About that…

I think you know about Nana’s circumstances, since she should’ve told you everything. She just escaped from a failed marriage; so if you can’t give her a future, I would suggest you stop contacting her…” Although Zayn understood her words, how could he just give up on the one he had loved all these years? He could persuade himself to treat her marriage as something that never happened, but as a man, he could not get over the fact that Leanna was pregnant with Aidan’s child. Yet, he could not withstand the desire to be by her side.

To that, he replied, “I will compose my thoughts before I come to her again.” It was after Zayn left that Zoe finally breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, Harvey’s call came to ask which ward Leanna was in, so she went down to meet up with him. Two minutes after she exited, the door to the ward was opened once again. Aidan looked at the pale woman lying on the bed as his gaze was no longer cold like before. Walking over to her, he sat down on the couch beside the bed. It was after a while before he uttered coldly, “Leanna, were you pleased when you saw my signature on the divorce paper?”

Were you pleased that you have successfully deceived me yet again? Were you pleased to finally be with Zayn this time? Yet, the person lying on the bed did not respond to him as the whole room was eerily quiet. He continued, “Is your heart made of rock? How could you still think about him when we were married for three years? Where have I done you wrong?” Her wardrobe was always filled with the latest fashion items; the chauffeur would always drive her to any where she wanted and she could send anything she bought to his tab. Aside from giving her money, he did not spare any expenses on her. At that moment, Aidan’s gaze landed on her pale lips which reminded him of the gentle scene where Zayn took care of her. Pursing his lips, he felt a wave of anger washed over him.


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