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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 331

Not long after Leanna left, the rain began pouring down in earnest. The raindrops constantly pelted against the glass in front of her. Considering the lack of her own car prior to Aidan's gift, it was only natural to assume that she did not drive often. Nevertheless, she drove much slower than usual due to the traffic jam caused by the pouring rain. More than an hour had passed by the time she arrived at the Crossley Residence.

When her car slowly drove through the gates of the Crossley Residence, she thought to herself. If Aidan had not given me this car, I might have had to walk along this road in the pouring rain today.

As soon as she stopped the car in front of the main building, a servant immediately came forward with an umbrella and called out, "Miss McKinney."

She smiled. "Thank you."

The servant did not answer and simply backed away without a sound.

As she walked from the entrance to her room upstairs, she could sense the significant change in the attitude of the servants in the entire Crossley Residence. Although she could not say they were being nice, compared to how they turned a blind eye to her when she first arrived in the morning, at least they were now greeting her.

She did not know whether Lloyd and Georgina were not at home or whether they had already gone back to their respective rooms. In any case, she discovered that the items she placed on the table seemed to have been touched when she entered the bedroom. She pursed her lips and carefully checked once more. Once she confirmed that nothing had gone missing, she finally locked the door and entered the bathroom.

It looks like I'm not the only one playing detective. The Crossley Family is also investigating me.

After she took a long, hot shower, she began to flip through the information regarding The Designer Competition.

A short while later, her phone rang. It was a phone call from Zoe.

Leanna answered the call, "What's up, Zoe?"

Zoe replied, "It's nothing. I'm packing right now. But, since I'm taking a break, I wanted to ask how you were doing over there."

"I'm fine." After a pause, Leanna added, "Are you packing so soon?"

"That's right. You might not believe me, but I ran into Daniel at the elevator when I returned in the afternoon. I suddenly understand the twisted fate that you and President Pearson used to share when you constantly encountered each other wherever you went. I've already contacted the moving company. I'm moving out early tomorrow morning. I can't stay here for another moment longer!"

The corners of her mouth twitched at those words. She didn't know what to say, so a long while passed before she finally responded, "Can you ask the moving company to send two extra men to help move my things out as well? Once I… settle things here, I'll get my stuff from you."

Zoe asked puzzledly, "Didn't you already move all your things out?"

Leanna was confused.

"President Pearson sent some men over, and they just left not too long ago. I thought you asked him to do that."

She closed her eyes in frustration and inhaled deeply. That b*stard sure is tight-lipped. I can't believe he didn't even say a word to me just now!

Zoe probed tentatively, "Don't tell me he secretly moved your stuff out behind your back?"

Leanna coughed in embarrassment. "Forget it. I'll just go and get my stuff from him when the time comes."

"Do you not plan to live with him?"

"W-We'll see."

As the saying goes, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder'. If she lived together with Aidan, he would annoy her to death before she could live to a ripe old age. Besides, it would not be as simple and easy as it was now if they were to live together. Problems that she did not wish to face would inevitably come up.

Zoe chatted with Leanna for some time before she hung up and continued packing.

The doorbell rang just as she finished packing a cardboard box.

She thought the food she had ordered had arrived, so she quickly ran to the door. Yet, it was not until she opened the door that she discovered the person standing outside her door was actually that wicked man she was cursing about earlier.

Daniel keenly noticed the emotions that flashed across her face, from joy to indifference to complete apathy.

He couldn't help but feel wholly bewildered.

She thought to herself, I'm moving out anyway. I should keep the relationship civil for Elijah's sake. Hence, she smiled slightly. "Can I help you?"

He cleared his throat. "I… lent you an umbrella last time. Can I have it back? It's raining outside, and I need to go out."

After she heard those words, she fell silent for a long while. "I think I left that umbrella at home. You can use mine instead."

Then, she handed an umbrella she took from beside the shoe cabinet to him.

He took the umbrella from her but did not leave immediately.

She asked, "Is there something else?"

"That umbrella…" His expression became grave. "It's something my mother left behind for me. Can you bring it back for me when you return home next time?"

She froze in astonishment. "What?"

He looked a little sad as he continued, "That's the last thing my mother used before she passed away. So many years have passed, but I've always brought it along with me no matter where I went. Of course, I don't mean to press you. I just hope that you can help bring the umbrella back to me if you remember. It's fine even if you forget. My mother is gone, after all. It might be time for me to let go of my obsession."

Everything he said left her feeling completely stunned. Nonetheless, he was certainly untrustworthy. He even went so far as to mention something like religion and superstition. She trusted him as far as she could throw him, which was not that far at all. So wouldn't there be a high chance he was using his dead mother as a tool?

She tried hard to discern the emotions on his face, trying to confirm whether what he said just now was true or false. But, unfortunately, the trace of sorrow in the depths of his eyes did not seem to be fake. I'm doomed!

She laughed, discomfited. "I didn't know that umbrella was so important to you. Why don't I call my mother later and ask if she saw the umbrella? Then, I can also ask her to send them over. I guarantee that the umbrella will not be damaged in any way throughout the journey."

He nodded lightly. "In that case, I'll have to trouble you."

"It's nothing. It's simply what I should do."

After she shut the door, she let out a breath and immediately entered the bedroom to change her clothes. Then, she quietly opened her door, glanced around her surroundings before she closed her door as softly as possible, and hurried into the elevator. She drove directly to the airport and went to the Lost and Found office to ask if the workers had picked up an umbrella in the trash can several days ago.

The worker said, "You're already here. Why don't you look around to see if you can find what you lost?"

She quickly thanked the worker. Regrettably, it seemed her luck had run out as she could not find the umbrella Daniel had given her despite searching several times. As she stood there, entirely dazed and frustrated, she felt a headache pounding in her head.

I shouldn't have been so impulsive back then. So what if he is the King of the Sea? So what if I was regarded as nothing more than a fish? In any case, I brought it upon myself in the first place. No matter what, he had kindly lent his umbrella to me. Not to mention, it was something his mother left behind for him. I can't just throw the umbrella away.

On the way back, she couldn't help being somewhat absent-minded as she blamed herself for her impulsiveness.

She arrived downstairs, parked her car, and walked to the basement in despair. When she entered the elevator, she suddenly noticed the umbrella of the person standing beside her. It was almost identical to the one that Daniel had lent to her before.

She was overjoyed. Is this what people mean when they say 'surprises are often unexpected'? I can't believe I'd have such luck.

She politely spoke up. "Hello, can I buy this umbrella from you? This is similar to the umbrella left behind by my friend's mother before she passed away, so I…"


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