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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 333

In the big conference room, the Pearson Group's top executives were putting their heads together over how to respond to the news story of Aidan's love affair. While they were arguing heatedly, the man at the center of their discussion was sitting in his chair and reading the newspaper in his hands, his eyes betraying a rare hint of satisfaction.

Just when those in the room were caught in a deadlock, he put down his newspaper and asked nonchalantly, "What's the need to respond to this? Would anyone not kiss while dating? Is it really worth your time to argue over such trifles?"

Everyone was rendered lost for words. This isn't about dating or not! It's about… Wait a minute. Dating? When have you succeeded in getting her to date you?

Leaning back in his chair, Aidan crossed his slender legs, saying, "Well, this is the right opportunity to release a statement and announce to the world that I already have a girlfriend and am not available anymore. Anyone is free to visit the Pearson Group as long as they're not afraid of getting known as a mistress who breaks up couples."

Everyone in the room gasped. That's merciless, President Pearson! You're practically standing up against Old Mr. Pearson in public, no?

Everyone at the Pearson Group knew that Gordon was having blind dates arranged for Aidan every single day these days, not to mention the socialites and rich heiresses who'd been flocking to the company to woo him. Would any of them swallow their pride and do so after the release of such a statement? Even if there were one or two who were brazen enough to give it a try, Aidan's words indicated that he wouldn't easily let them off, which meant they might end up being shamed in public by having their photos taken and posted online.

Although this would put an end to those blind dates for good, most of Highside's bigwigs would be offended by it. Perhaps only President Pearson is capable of doing such a thing.

Aidan's eyes ran over the faces of everyone in the room. He said unhurriedly, "It can't be helped. My girlfriend gets jealous easily and is pretty strict with me." Then, he asked, "Is there anything else? If not, the meeting is over."

Meanwhile, at the Pearson Family Estate, Gordon was trembling all over with rage after reading the newspaper. Upon learning of the meeting at the Pearson Group, he almost had difficulty catching his breath at this very moment. He swore, "Damn that treacherous son!"

Sienna was sitting beside him as indifferently as usual. She said, "If he'd been that obedient, such a situation wouldn't have come about."

Gordon knitted his brows. "Just keep your sarcasm to yourself at such a time. You know full well what you've done. If Leanna really is Lloyd's daughter, you'll be the first target of her revenge!"

Sienna laughed at his words, though. She said, "You know what? I'm waiting for her to take revenge on me. A person who grew up in slums can rise in society and dress in fine clothes, but they can never hide the lowliness bred in their bones. Let's see what she's capable of." With that, she stood up and returned to her bedroom right away.

A servant followed behind her while muttering something unintelligible.

Gordon's face darkened even more as he watched her behavior. My voice in the family is diminishing now. Both Aidan and Sienna wouldn't take me seriously at all! Although the Zielinskis were no longer a threat at present, Sienna still had other resources at her disposal, so he had no alternative but to rely on her to deal with Aidan. His countenance grim, he supported himself with his stick and frowned thoughtfully, his scheming mind at work.

At the same time, the release of the Pearson Group's statement instantly generated a lot of buzz on the Internet.

Many who fangirled over Aidan's dashing good looks were still confused as to what was actually going on. One of them commented, 'WTF?! This is turning my world upside down! Since when is my new husband dating someone? He'd better not be serious about it!'

Another commented, 'OMG! To think he actually made his relationship public! Well, that's expected of President Pearson, a handsome, rich, and capable man, unlike some celebrities who do everything possible to hide their relationships.'

'But wait, who is his girlfriend? Is she a celebrity or a rich heiress or something? She looks quite pretty.'

'Those who don't know about President Pearson's relationship can read the statement posted some time ago on the Pearson Group's official Twitter account. He was still courting her at the time, but who would've thought they'd be dating now? That's pretty quick of him, eh?'

'Here I am, sobbing my heart out after learning all about it. Also, I've checked out the photo of his girlfriend, who's so darn gorgeous aside from being hot and talented. President Pearson, why on earth would you divorce her back then, you jerk? If I got to spend every single day living with such a sweetie pie, I'd slap myself in the face for even raising my voice at her!'

'I'm all for this attractive couple. BTW, when will they get remarried?'

'Here's someone who feels the same way. I'd pay for them to get remarried!'

Never in Leanna's wildest dreams did she imagine that the number of followers on her studio's official Twitter account would swell by more than a hundred thousand. Moreover, these new followers were all coming after her, asking her when she'd have her own Twitter account.

Seeing how things had developed to such an extent—plus the fact that the Pearson Group's stance couldn't be more obvious—Leanna thought she had enough reason to suspect it was none other than Aidan who had their photos taken.

Since her studio had yet to open its online store for the time being, many people visited its physical location in the afternoon to check in on social media. However, they didn't get to see Leanna, who'd gone to help Zoe move house.

After living in the apartment with Leanna for several months, Zoe had accumulated a considerable amount of possessions, all of which she decided to take with her to not let anything go to waste.

Each dragging a suitcase, the two waited for the next elevator to arrive after their movers had carried the heavier things downstairs.

Leanna glanced behind her, asking, "Have you taken all the stuff with you?"

Zoe replied, "Yeah, almost. The landlady said she's currently out of town and will come back a couple days later to get the keys."

Leanna nodded. After staying here for quite some time, she'd inevitably grown somewhat attached to this place. Moreover, it'd given her some… fond memories.

Just then, the door to the neighboring unit opened all of a sudden. At the same time, the elevator happened to stop before the two.

After shuddering for a second, Zoe quickly dragged Leanna into the elevator, urging, "Come on, let's get in!" Watching the elevator door close slowly, she finally heaved a sigh of relief. However, there were other people in the elevator, one of whom kindly pressed the button to open the elevator door upon hearing the footsteps outside. As a result, she was rendered speechless.

It was Daniel standing outside the elevator. After pausing for a few seconds, he finally stepped into the elevator and greeted the two, saying, "Hi, Miss McKinney."

Still unaware of what had happened last night, Leanna nodded to him with a smile.

On the other hand, Zoe didn't even bother to be polite with him; she immediately looked away without saying a word.

At the sight of this, Daniel cleverly stood where he was without speaking.

Leanna thought that the air between him and Zoe seemed rather peculiar. What's going on with them? They'd have said hello to each other in the past no matter what.

As the elevator slowly descended, the atmosphere between the pair became increasingly awkward. The instant the elevator reached the first floor, Zoe immediately stepped outside with a scowl on her face, dragging her suitcase in one hand and Leanna by the other.

They had barely walked a few steps when Daniel's voice rang from behind as he called out to Zoe.


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