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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 335

Aside from their acuity, the designers' powers of observation and ability to capture minute details would also be put to the test. This also meant that they'd be provided with an even better platform to display their talents at the end of the competition.

Leanna looked around, but as she withdrew her gaze, her eyes locked on a pair of dark, quiet eyes. Speechless, she asked in a whisper, "Why are you here?"

Aidan placed his arm on the back of her chair while cocking an eyebrow. "Didn't I tell you that the Pearson Group is hosting this year's competition?"

Leanna looked at him with a sneer. "Perhaps you were too busy with other things to tell me about it." This b*stard must've done this on purpose.

Just then, the host's voice rang again from the stage. As a last-minute change to the rules of the competition, a few of Highside's well-known socialites and heiresses were invited to be judges for the competition. The scores they gave would account for 10 out of 100 marks that each designer could receive in the competition.

Having grown up surrounded by all kinds of jewelry, these rich ladies had their own super-high standards when it came to the pursuit of jewelry.

A smile appeared on Leanna's face when she followed the host's gaze. This is great. I'm starting to suspect that the new rule was added on purpose to put a spoke in my wheel. This was because she had first spotted Georgina and Violet among the few rich ladies. So God has opened a window for me while plugging up all the ventholes. How exciting.

Aidan followed her gaze. Knowing what she was worried about, he said impassively, "Your work did earn the organizers' recognition, or they wouldn't have sent you the invitation. Even if they give you a low score out of malice, it won't have much effect on you. And besides, I'm here, no?"

Leanna kept smiling. "In that case, President Pearson, why do you think they'll give me a low score?"

Aidan replied with a nonchalant air, "Because they're envious of your beauty, perhaps?"

Leanna was rendered speechless. You're so good at making excuses for yourself, you b*stard.

The preliminary contest was scheduled for two days later, while the topic of the contest would be sent to all participants in the evening tomorrow.

After the announcement of the rules, there was a small cocktail party, where many designers busied themselves saying hello to the judges to butter them up. Even if they might come back from the competition empty-handed, it wouldn't hurt to get acquainted with these judges, who were all big names in the jewelry industry. Therefore, nobody knew how many personal interests were intertwined underneath these seemingly polite exchanges of pleasantries.

Leanna had wanted to go home immediately, but on second thought, she thought it improper to do so, considering the invitation the organizers had sent her. Subsequently, she stood up, intending to say thank you to the organizers.

The person in charge of this year's competition was named Lewis. When Leanna found him, he was chatting with the other judges of the competition. She had barely stood before him, but before she could even speak, he turned to look in her direction and greeted her in French with a smile. "You must be McK. You look as pretty as in the photos."

Leanna was surprised that he still remembered her. After giving him a smile, she replied in French, "Thank you very much for inviting me to take part in this year's competition. I'm honored."

"Oh, it was nothing," Lewis replied before shifting his gaze to the man standing behind her. "If President Pearson hadn't shown me your work, I wouldn't have known that such an outstanding and gifted designer was almost overlooked. I'm looking forward to seeing your work this time," he said with a slight nod to Aidan.

Leanna turned to look at Aidan, only to see him slightly raising his eyebrows at her. After exchanging a few simple greetings with Lewis, she dragged Aidan aside, asking, "Was it thanks to you that I received the invitation to this year's competition?"

Aidan casually picked up two glasses of champagne before handing one of them to her. "All I did was show him your work. It was his decision to invite you to the competition."

Even though he didn't say much about it, Leanna knew that Aidan actually blamed himself for her losing her title as winner of the Emerging Designer Competition. Otherwise, he wouldn't have tried to make it up to her indirectly on the excuse of supporting Lux Jewelry while she was still working at the company, though everyone—including her—had thought at the time that he was doing so for Mia's sake. After pondering for a moment, she asked tentatively, "Don't tell me this is your third wedding anniversary gift to me?"

Aidan let out a soft chuckle. Throwing his head back, he downed the champagne in his glass and slowly replied, "Of course not." Then, after pausing for a moment, he looked at her again, raising his eyebrows for a moment with a burning, intense look in his seductive black eyes. "Are you looking forward to it?"

As if she'd been burned by his gaze, Leanna quickly looked away and coughed. "N-Not really. I'm just curious." You said it yourself that you'd make it up to me with a gift for each year of our marriage. Now I've received the gifts for the first and second year, but the third one is long-overdue, no?

Aidan said to her, "There's no hurry. I'm still in the process of getting it ready. It'll be a gift that you absolutely love."

Leanna was unconvinced, though. "How much would I love it?"

Aidan bent down and whispered a few words in her ear.

Leanna blushed crimson at once. Subconsciously, she covered his thin lips with her hand, saying, "Shut up!" What the hell is he doing in public?!

The corner of Aidan's thin lips turned up for a moment as he gently kissed the palm of her hand.

Leanna's face turned even redder. She quickly retracted her hand, feeling numb in her entire arm.

Just then, Harvey approached them with a wine glass in his hand. "Hi, President Pearson and McK."

Leanna hadn't seen Harvey for a long time since her departure from Lux Jewelry. After waving to him, she greeted him with a smile, saying, "It's been a while, Mr. Mancini."

Aidan was especially displeased with the smile on her face. He'd seen such a smile on her face many times when she faced Zayn, Elijah, Harvey, and many others, but he'd rarely seen her smiling at him. Thus, before Harvey could even speak, he quietly turned sideways and stepped in front of her, blocking the former's gaze.

Harvey was puzzled by his behavior.

Leanna noticed Aidan's behavior, too. She put down her glass of champagne, taking the opportunity to distance herself from him before proceeding to chat with Harvey. Look how petty this b*stard is. He keeps accusing me of being jealous, but look who's the jealous one here.

Aidan's thin lips pressed together in displeasure. Just then, however, Jonathan came over and said to him, "President Pearson, Lewis would like to discuss with you again the arrangements post the competition."

"Uh-huh," Aidan mumbled before shifting his gaze toward Leanna. "Wait for me here."

As soon as he left, Harvey's face grew grave. "Queenie has also taken part in this competition. Do you know that?"

Leanna nodded slightly. "I saw her just now."

Harvey whispered to her, "I just learned that one of the judges of this year's competition is her mentor."


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