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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 378

Reality proved that Leanna's guess was correct. Including Georgina and Violet, all the ladies from the wealthy families in Highside invited to the competition as guest judges had given her the lowest scores possible.

The rest of the professional judges exchanged glances with each other but said nothing. After all, these people came from powerful and influential families. Nobody was willing to rock the boat over such a trivial matter.

Once they finished giving their scores, the staff arranged for them to leave the venue in an orderly manner.

Violet glanced at the two other judges before she left the venue, and they nodded almost imperceptibly in response. Hence, she retracted her gaze with a satisfied expression. If that little vixen wins this competition, I will never call myself Violet Kramer again!

Meanwhile, Georgina watched their brief exchange from nearby. The sight caused a smug smile to spread across her face. It was evident who would triumph in this competition.

After she left the conference room, she departed immediately since she did not wish to stay there for a moment longer. She had only just entered her car when she received a phone call from Lloyd's assistant. His voice came out as a whisper. "Miss Crossley, Mr. Crossley has summoned you to the company."

She couldn't help reacting with impatience. "Why?"

However, the assistant did not say anything else and hurriedly ended the call. She glared at her phone with a scowl and instructed the driver to head to the company. "Take me to the company."

"Yes, Miss."

As soon as she stepped foot into the company, she heard several employees whispering about something among themselves. But they quickly looked away and fell silent when they noticed her. Afterward, they quietly dispersed and went back to their posts.

This situation caused her scowl to deepen even further. Finally, she randomly detained one of the employees and angrily interrogated the other party, "What were they talking about?"

The employee stammered hesitantly, "That… Um… Mr. Crossley prohibited us from speaking about that."

"Even to me?"

"I… Miss Crossley, you will know once you meet with Mr. Crossley."

She inhaled deeply as she suppressed her anger, got into the elevator, and went up to Lloyd's office. She stood outside his office, knocked on the door once, and then pushed the door open without pause. "Dad, what happened? I…"

Before she could finish her sentence, she caught sight of a man's smiling face. This person was no stranger to her.

Freddie waved at her jovially. "Long time no see, Miss Crossley."

Georgina responded coldly. "Why are you here?"

He replied, "Well, the thing is… I came here on behalf of my client."

While he spoke, he took out a stack of documents from his briefcase.

She expressionlessly asked, "Did Leanna ask you to come? What does she want?"

"I'm afraid you've misunderstood the situation, Miss Crossley. The reason I'm here has nothing to do with her." His lips curved into a smile. "But, I'm quite interested regarding the issues between the two of you. Is there a chance for us to chat in private?"


Then, he shoved his phone into her face. A video was playing on the screen. The person in the video was none other than Karen, who had fallen into a coma due to severe injuries from a car accident. She was awake. More importantly, she seemed in excellent spirits if one were to disregard the bandages around her head.

In the video, she claimed that Georgina caused her current state. Furthermore, she admitted that she had done many harmful things to a particular individual under orders from Georgina. Although she did not explicitly state the target of her actions, anybody who had taken a brief interest in that incident would know that she was talking about Leanna.

Georgina's expression immediately changed drastically. Her lips trembled slightly, but for a time, she did not know what to say.

Freddie kept away his phone. "I'm sorry. I was careless when operating my phone earlier and accidentally uploaded this video on the Crossley Group's official website. Fortunately, the IT department took it down very quickly. Don't worry; I believe the employees of the Crossley Group will not spread the word regarding this matter."

Although he claimed to be sorry, his expression did not show the slightest sense of apology. Instead, he even glanced at Lloyd, sitting at the desk halfway through his speech, and dragged Lloyd into the conversation. "Isn't that right? Mr. Crossley."

Lloyd frowned and said nothing.

It was apparent that Freddie had deliberately uploaded the video on the Crossley Group's official website. Who could be so stupid as to be careless to that extent and make such a mistake?

Georgina took a deep breath and clarified, "I don't know this person, and I don't know what she is talking about either."

Freddie was far from surprised by her answer. He simply raised an eyebrow in response to her words. "Of course. You're right, Miss Crossley. I didn't come here to interrogate you. I simply came here at the request of my client. It's just part of the procedure. I believe that you're not like that, Miss Crossley. But I'm running a business, not a charity, you see. There's no reason for me to refuse a potential client. At any rate, you can be rest assured, Miss Crossley. Even if she files a lawsuit against you, she has no evidence or witnesses. The outcome of the lawsuit will definitely favor you. When I receive the legal fees, I will definitely treat you to dinner."

It was evident that she was not in a good mood, unlike him. On the contrary, she was gripping her dress tightly in frustration.

At this moment, Lloyd abruptly stood up and inquired, "Freddie, when did you return?"

Freddie smiled and replied, "I've only been back for a few days."

Lloyd walked over and sat across from Freddie. He picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. "You were away for so long. Now that you're back, you should spend some quality time with your parents. Are they okay with you coming back to work so quickly?"

"Mr. Crossley, as you know, I'm not the type of person who can stand being idle. I like to go out for some fun and drinks whenever I have time on my hands. Compared to that, my parents generally prefer that I work hard instead."

He picked up the teacup in front of him and took an elegant sip. "Working hard is good, but you are the only son born to your parents. It's about time for you to stop playing around and think about taking over the company's management."

"There's no hurry. My father is very healthy. So, I can still focus on that after enjoying my life for a few more years.

"I met your father last month. He is indeed in great health, but you need to plan ahead for certain things. Otherwise, it might be too late by then."

"You're right, Mr. Crossley. So, I will keep that in mind."

"Once you've taken over the company, your father and I will finally have more time to chat over tea. The company will have to rely on you youngsters in the future. It's time for us to retreat behind the scenes."

Despite seeing that Lloyd was starting to play the emotional card, Freddie maintained a strictly polite smile. "What are you saying, Mr. Crossley? You're not that old. It's too early to consider such matters."

"I only have one daughter, Georgina. For her sake, there are things I must consider and prepare for in advance. Otherwise…"

He was astonished. "Speaking of which, there's something I'm curious about. I heard rumors claiming that Miss McKinney is also your daughter, Mr. Crossley. What is that about?"

Lloyd's expression stiffened. He knew that Freddie was deliberately diverting the topic, so he placed the teacup down. "It's a mistake from many years ago. Let's not mention it."

"A mistake? You're quite blessed, Mr. Crossley. You gained a daughter in the blink of an eye. What's more, it may not be long before Aidan has to call you 'Dad'."

After Freddie's statement fell from his lips, the office fell into an awkward silence again, and the atmosphere became very tense.

Not to mention, both Lloyd and Georgina had horrid expressions.


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