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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 381

Robert gave Daphne a once-over before he shifted his gaze toward Leanna. Then, his facial expression shifted into one of derision as he mocked, "Oh, what's the matter? Are you guys having a celebratory dinner here too?"

Leanna just nodded slightly out of courtesy and basic respect.

However, Robert's attitude only worsened as he snorted disdainfully, "That makes sense too. After all, you probably will never be the winner in this life, so you might as well celebrate getting second place now. Otherwise, who knows if you'll even come close to even earning a spot next time."

Unlike Leanna, who had to keep her tongue in check due to reasons that she would love to kick to the curb but couldn't, Daphne didn't have such problems. So, she didn't hesitate to put the pompous little man in his place as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and retorted, "Who the hell let this weird and crazy foreigner out of captivity? Excuse me. Are you not ashamed to be barking at us with your not-so-fluent Chiojan? Didn't your Chiojan teacher teach you how to speak the language properly?"

Robert shifted his attention from Leanna to Daphne at her insult. His facial expression had gotten a little cold as he sized her up. Daphne Shirley—she's no stranger to me, considering her face is in the posters of advertising endorsements all over the major shopping malls. As far as I know, she even endorses quite some luxury brands.

Queenie immediately chose this opportunity to butt in, "Miss Shirley, you don't need to attack Mr. Debauche like this verbally, do you?"

When Daphne heard Queenie's voice, she turned her attention to Queenie and inquired lightly, "And you are?"

At once, Queenie's facial expression stiffened at Daphne's slight. Then, just as she was about to answer, Daphne added, "Never mind. I'm not interested in getting to know you either. You're just a nobody to me. Besides, how could you say that I was verbally attacking this guy? I was clearly reprimanding some disrespectful seniors that clearly enjoy taking advantage of their qualifications and have some issues with their speech. But I can't help it if you want to assume that I was referring to you."

Queenie was infuriated by Daphne's remarks. "You—"

Finally, Leanna couldn't bear to see her friend being attacked from all sides as she looked at Robert and said flatly, "I respect you and tolerate your brashness the best I can because you're a senior. However, I'm also quite grateful to you for letting me understand the principle behind the saying, 'people make the government'. Indeed… some students do naturally take up their teacher's traits, don't they? It matters not to me that I have lost the competition today. Still, I do hope you two can show this same offensive behavior as you have now when you two compete in the actual international competition later."

After she finished saying those words, she tugged on Daphne's hand and left hand-in-hand.

When they got to the bathroom, Daphne asked, "Why did we leave? Why did you drag me away? I wasn't finished with them."

Leanna glanced at Daphne and replied, "It's useless to talk to people like them." Her father's corpse is still waiting to be picked up in the mortuary, yet Queenie is still here throwing a gala. Come to think of it. It's somewhat ironic, isn't it?

After she washed her hands, she turned her head and asked, "What's up with you and Louis? Did you two fight?"

Daphne was perplexed by her questions. She was stunned for a while before she answered, "No, we didn't."

"Why is the atmosphere between the both of you so awkward then?"

Daphne didn't react. Instead, she smiled as she said, "Well, I don't know him very well. So, it's normal for us to have an awkward relationship, is it not?"

However, Leanna didn't buy it. Therefore, she pressed for answers and asked, "But aren't you two filming in the same production?"

"Yeah, that's true, but we don't have many scenes together. Plus, we're mostly in different crews. So, we don't interact much with each other," explained Daphne. After she finished washing her hands, she took out a piece of tissue paper. As she wiped her hands, she continued, "Don't tell me that you actually think Louis and I are close like friends."

Although Leanna didn't know about the situation on Daphne's side, she was aware of what was happening on Louis' side.

So, she stopped probing for questions as she curled her lips upward into a smile and thanked Daphne, "Regardless, thank you for taking care of Louis during this period."

"You're welcome. It's what I should do." Daphne threw the crumpled tissue paper into the trash can and suddenly asked, "By the way, did he tell you anything about the thing that came up?"

Leanna was puzzled by the sudden topic change, "What thing?"

When Daphne saw that


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