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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Do My Words Make You Sick? Sensing danger approaching, Leanna couldn’t help but step backward until she had no more room to retreat and the cold wall was pressed against her back. The word ‘disgusted’ snapped her back to her senses completely, and her voice was calm as she spoke, “You’ve got it wrong.

There’s nothing going on between me and Zayn.” Clearly unconvinced, Aidan held her chin and narrowed his eyes as he said coldly, “Why are you taking folic acid, then? Aren’t you preparing for pregnancy?” Speechless, Leanna finally understood why he had such a reaction when he saw her taking folic acid. A few times, she wanted to refute him by telling him that nobody had set the rule saying that folic acid was only meant for pregnancy preparation. However, she thought that it wasn’t bad if that was what he thought.

At least, he wouldn’t suspect that the baby was his. Seeing that she was silent, he squeezed her chin tightly. “At which stage are you with Zayn Barnett now? Or should I ask, how many times have you done it with him already?” Never before had Leanna felt this offended, and she was annoyed and frustrated as she snapped, “Do you think everyone acts like an animal in heat like you? There’s nothing going on between me and Zayn. No… It’s all thanks to you. If it wasn’t because of you, I would have been with him a long time ago, and maybe, our children would be running around now!” “So, you’re really missing him,” Aidan said sarcastically. “Should I be missing you instead, then?

Don’t you forget this, President Pearson. We’re already divorced, so even if I meet up with Zayn and do whatever, it’s none of your business. I—Uh!” Lowering his head, he covered her lips completely with his, pushing back all the words she wanted to say. Leanna lifted her hands and wanted to push him away, but he pinned her against the wall instead. Tightening his grip on her chin, he forced her mouth open and the tip of his tongue pried her lips apart easily.

Instantly, her eyes turned red. Forget the fact that this jerk gave her a hard time when they were married, now that they were divorced, he was still acting so brazenly, and she had really had enough! Struggling with all her might, she then tasted the taste of iron that was spreading between their mouths. Slowly, Aidan got away from her, but his hands were still in control of her as he spoke in a husky voice, “Is it not pleasurable how I’m serving you? Why are you biting me so hard?’ Controlling herself from shaking, Leanna said emotionlessly, “President Pearson, I think you should look for someone to let off your steam if you’re doing something so inhumane because you’ve been abstinent for too long and your energy is building up.”

“I’m here to look for you, aren’t I?” he answered. It had been almost three months since she brought up the divorce, and he hadn’t touched her for a long time, so of course he had the urge. Meanwhile, she took a deep breath and thought, This jerk really sounds so justified! While she was on the edge of passing out from fury, she said, “President Pearson, I hope you can keep your beastly behavior under control. We’re already divorced, and I have no obligations to you as your wife. If you continue this, I’ll sue you for sexual abuse.” Aidan grimaced glumly, “Don’t mention the word ‘divorce’ to me.”


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