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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 What’s There for Me to Like? Since the manager didn’t know how to answer Aidan, he hesitated for a long time. Not only that, he was also confused as to why Aidan would take care of this matter. Didn’t he also ask me the same question last time? He knew Louis needed money, yet he didn’t say anything that time— When Aidan saw the manager’s reaction, his facial expression was as cold as ice.

It was at that moment he knew he didn’t have to ask further because his suspicion had been proven right. “Get out.” “Yes. Yes.” Feeling as if he had taken a trip to hell and barely came back from the dead, the manager breathed a sigh of relief and fled. Once the door of the private room was closed, Oscar asked, “Did your brother-in-law sell his admission notice?” With an unreadable expression, Aidan looked over and sent him death glares. At once, Oscar changed his words and corrected them rigorously. “Your ex-wife’s younger brother.” Retracting the gaze he laid upon Oscar, Aidan then poured himself a glass of wine. After that, he said calmly, “It’s none of my business.” Upon hearing that, Oscar couldn’t help but snort.

Tsk! Like I will believe that! If it’s none of his business, why will he seek Patheon Club’s manager out of his mere guess? At this moment, Jonathan knocked on the door and came in. “President Pearson, Ma—Miss McKinney’s father followed us here. He kept shouting that he wanted to see you, saying that the creditor limits him to repay the money within three days.” Without even bothering to look up, Aidan yelled with an indifferent tone, “Make him leave!” “Yes.” With that, Jonathan left. Once again, the door of the private room was closed. Aidan clenched his knuckled fingers into a fist, and his handsome facial features seemed to have been covered with a thin layer of frost, making people unable to comprehend his emotions. “Don’t tell me you still think I like her, do you?”

As Oscar thought he had heard it wrong, he was stunned. “What?” “Three years ago, she gave up the opportunity to go to Aeras for money. Three years later, her brother gave up the admission letter for money. Tell me: what’s there for me to like in mercenary people like them?” “But—they had their reasons, right?” Upon hearing that, Aidan sneered, “Regardless of the reason, it still can’t change the fact that they have given up on their own future. Still, they expect us to take pity on them?” … At home, Leanna hung up the phone, and Zoe came over with snacks. With her face full of envy, she said, “That’s great. I also want to have a younger brother who is a provincial champion. At least I can still rely on my younger brother in the future if I can’t depend on men. So what did Louis say to you on the phone?”

Leanna smiled. “He said that he’ll start his college life tomorrow, and then he’ll have military training for half a month. So he asks me to take care of myself.” “Oh, that’s right. I totally forgot that young men of Louis’ age are required to undergo military training according to Highside’s governmental law. Man, that will be a total nightmare.” Zoe thought for a while. “If not, let’s see Louis off at the college tomorrow. We can take a good look at his college. Plus, we can also check if there are any handsome men in his dormitory.” Upon hearing that, Leanna looked at Zoe, feeling speechless at her last sentence.


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