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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Your Account Has Not Been Verified

When Leanna opened her eyes the next morning, there was no trace of Aidan in the room.

The servant, who was standing outside the room, knocked. “Madam, are you awake?”

Leanna massaged her temples and rose to her feet before she responded in a hoarse voice, “Yup.”

Then, the said servant quickly entered. “Madam, breakfast is ready. Do you want me to bring it up? Or, would you be coming down to eat it?”

“I’ll come down instead.”

“Alright,” the servant responded before she turned to make her way down.

Leanna sat on the bed once again to regain her strength. She could no longer wear the clothes that she had on her yesterday, so she had no choice but to head to her wardrobe to select a new attire.

As she sat on the table to wait for breakfast to be served, the servant brought out the dishes and noticed that Leanna looked weary. Then, she softly asked, “Madam, are you alright?”

Leanna nodded. “It’s nothing; I just feel a bit dizzy.”

The servant elaborated, “Before he left, Master instructed me to accompany you to the hospital for a visit. When do you intend to go, Madam?”

The word that Leanna hated to hear the most at the current moment was hospital. As she took the cutleries, it took her a while before she asked, “What about him?”

“Master has gone interstate. He’ll be back after a week at the earliest.”


Leanna had no idea what Aidan was up to. Didn’t he say that we were going to the hospital today? Or did he regard this hopsital visit as unimportant and simply found a reason to ask someone to accompany me there?

The servant nodded. “Yes, that’s correct. Master even added that I’ll be looking after you in his absence, Madam.”

Leanna pursed her lips in the silence. Being taken care of sounds nice.

This b*stard is really something. How could he be so heartless? It’s one thing for him not to want the child, but is it so difficult for him to be a tad bit responsible?

Throughout the entire time, he did not even pull his weight and even went on a business trip. Everything would be over once he returned and he would not be burdened by his conscience.

He is extremely evil.

Leanna swallowed the food that she chewed and slammed the cutlery in her hand.

The frightened servant gingerly asked, “Madam?”

After taking a deep breath, Leanna replied, “I’ve had enough.”

“Oh, wait for a while then. Let me gather everything and we’ll head to the hospital together.”

When Leanna peeked outside, she noticed that the driver was already waiting for her. There was no way of running from the inevitable.

“Okay.” She could only nod.

While they were on their way to the hospital, she remained silent as she had her gaze focused outside the car window.

From Aidan’s point, he did not do anything wrong because there was a difference between casually sleeping with someone and truly loving someone.

Leanna ran a temperature last night and for the weirdest reason, she felt that she still could mediate the sitaution. She originally intended to have a discussion with Aidan about this, but who would have expected him to not recognize her after wearing his pants? Moreover, in his effort to prevent her from regretting, he even split town not long after he woke up.

The servant was only aware that Aidan instructed her to accompany Leanna for a checkup without knowing how or where Leanna was uncomfortable. The moment they arrived at the hospital, she broke the silence. “Which department are we going to do, Madam?”

Leanna was already surveying her surroundings to plot an escape. Hearing the question, she responded, “Any department is fine.”

As the servant realized that Leanna had complained of a headache, she wondered whether it was the symptom of a cold and decided to head for the outpatient clinic.

After heading there and walking to the consultation room, Leanna suddenly stopped in her tracks and calmly explained, “I need to head to the toilet, so please wait for me here.”


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