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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 Waking up in Anger Even After Falling Asleep

With her head hanging low, Leanna pushed the gate open and sat on a chair by the courtyard.

Then, Naomi came out of the house and saw Leanna. “Didn’t you say you needed to be somewhere? Why did you come back so soon?”

Shaking her head, Leanna sighed. “It should be fine.”

She already assumed that Aidan was here to get back at her. After all, Jonathan replied to her instantly, saying that that man was waiting for her to come begging. However, she hadn’t expected that that man would come at her with such a grandiose project. Looking at the current situation, her begging him would amount to nothing in the end. Just the kind of pettiness I’d expect from that scum, she thought. After a few moments passed, she said, “Ms. Fletcher, do you know they’ll be tearing this place down?”

With a nod, Naomi sat beside her and sorted the clutter there. “I’ve heard about it.”

“Then, where do you plan to go?”

“I’m not sure. Since the project is still in the planning phase, there’s still plenty of time for me to think about it. After all, they will still need more time to start work even after they’ve finished the proposal.”

Halfway through listening to Naomi, Leanna started having a headache as her belly growing bigger day by day would make finding a place to move into an inconvenience.

Then, Naomi looked Leanna in her eyes and said, “If you’re troubled with where you would go, how about living with me?”

With Naomi’s offer, Leanna’s eyes lit up with her spirits perked up instantly. “Is that okay?”

“I’m just one person anyways. Adding you into the mix wouldn’t be a bother.”

“Thank you, Ms. Fletcher,” Leanna said with a smile. Although she now had a plan for the move, she had a feeling that her days of comfort and peace would soon come to an end with Aidan’s appearance.

Just then, there was a commotion outside the house. With no idea what was going on, Leanna turned her attention over to the fences crawled with green vines with a thoughtful look, which prompted Naomi to ask, “Want to go take a look?”

However, Leanna looked away from the fences and shook her head. As she didn’t want to go, she said with a smile, “There wouldn’t be anything interesting to see since it’s just the developers’ arrival that caused the commotion.”

Naomi was even more so, as she hadn’t the slightest interest. She had always preferred peace and quiet and would never be present in such a lively atmosphere.

Soon after, the commotion gradually faded further away from the two in the courtyard. Then, Wendy from next door entered their courtyard with a smile. “Oh, Leanna, Naomi, why are the two of you just sitting still here when it’s so lively out there?”

If Leanna’s memory served her right, Wendy was beside herself with worry when she heard that the area was going to be developed into a resort hotel. So, why does she look so happy now?

Oblivious to Leanna’s thoughts, Wendy sat with the two and said with glee, “That developer who came looked so young and handsome. He is ways better looking than the celebrities you see on TV. If I were 20 years younger, I would’ve…! Oh dear, it’s so embarrassing just thinking about it!”

Although Leanna was speechless at the sight of Wendy giddy as a schoolgirl, she asked, “Ms. Shaffer, have you forgotten the fact that that man’s here to develop the land you’ve been staying for ten years into a resort hotel?”

Wendy slapped her thigh. “Oh yes, how did that even slip my mind? Ah, but forget it. This street is really old, after all. Few years ago, the government had already said they would be planning to develop this land. However, they’ve delayed submitting the proposal time after time. If not this handsome developer, then there would be another developer that will come instead. At the very least, I can still fall asleep if it was this developer.”

Leanna pursed her lips, holding herself back from remarking. She wanted to tell Wendy that she would wake up in anger even if she fell asleep upon hearing what that man would say.

“Naomi, where would you be moving to? Vivian and Susan will be staying with their sons. Unfortunately for me, since my son married a calculating wife, I dislike the idea of living under the same roof as her. What say you and I be neighbors again?”


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