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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Why Doesn’t President Pearson Like Me?

Leanna had never dreamed such a situation would come about—for that Aidan to wash her hair for her. Not only was such a thing beneath someone of his status, but it was also just too bizarre to even think about it. With things as they were now, she felt as though she was an inmate on death row waiting for the guillotine to fall. With slight fear, she said, “President Pearson, how about I do this myself?”

“Shut up,” Aidan replied frigidly.

At the man’s words, Leanna grunted and said nothing further. With that, he poured the warm water down her hair which flowed down into the clusters of flowers around them. Although she couldn’t see clearly right now, she assumed that such a scene would be a heartwarming one, on the premise that the man hadn’t an indifferent expression the entire time. Other than that, the two right now gave off the impression that they were just two lovebirds, as everything was tranquil throughout the process. However, upon realizing she had such thoughts, she became startled and avoided Aidan.

Nevertheless, Aidan held her shoulder with one of his hands and said in displeasure, “Why are you moving about? Didn’t I ask you if the water was too hot for you?”

Leanna couldn’t fathom just how compelling his words were, as she couldn’t help but be immersed in that beautiful scene in her mind. “I got bitten by a mosquito,” she said after a moment’s silence.

“I see you’re not only attractive to men, but mosquitos as well.”

Angry at what she had heard, she retorted, “If I’m that attractive to men, why doesn’t President Pearson like me?”

Aidan remained silent.

As a matter of fact, Leanna regretted the moment she said that. She knew that man was about to make some sort of sarcastic remark at her after what she said. But, the lights in the yard suddenly came back on. With a few snapping sounds, all the electrical appliances and the streetlights came back on.

Although the electricity was back on, the two continued to be in silence. Of all times to come back on, she thought. Blinded by the sudden bright lights, Leanna inadvertently met the man’s dark, tranquil eyes, which she immediately averted from. Then, she wrapped her hair with a dry towel and said, “Thank you, President Pearson. I’ll head on upstairs now!”

After coming upstairs, Leanna immediately went to her room and locked the doors before finally exhaling a breath. That was close, she thought, as she knew she wouldn’t be able to get some sleep out of anger again from listening to that man’s snide remarks. Then, she went back into the bathroom to blow dry her hair, though she did sneeze halfway through.

At night, Leanna quietly gazed out the window while thinking back on the events today. She was unsure if she was overthinking it, or was it Aidan who was just too erratic. Every now and then, there would be a small voice inside her that said, Perhaps he likes me. There was no other explanation that would fit this strange situation, after all. As midnight came, with the reason for his actions remaining a mystery, she yawned and fell asleep in a daze.

Leanna was sleeping soundly when she heard a knock on the door. Gradually opening her eyes, she sat up and realized she was dizzy with her nose blocked uncomfortably. After taking a moment to wake herself up, she got up and opened the door to find Aidan leaning against the wall with an askance expression. “I didn’t expect for you to be so vindictive,” said Aidan.

She was stunned for a split second before asking, “Huh?”

“Since I said you ate a lot yesterday, you’ve chosen to not eat at all today.”

Unable to understand what Aidan was saying, Leanna took a while and realized that the sun was already up when she looked out the window. Looking at how high the sun was, she guessed that it was already noon right now.

She said weakly, “I don’t have much of an appetite, actually. You can have my share.” With that, she turned around and planned to go back to sleep.

However, Aidan held her wrist and touched her forehead with his cool palm. He then pursed his lips. “Go to the hospital, now.”

As usual, Leanna couldn’t stand hearing those words from Aidan and reflexively shook his hand off her. Stammering, she said, “No need. I’ll be better after a good sleep.”

With how fast her reaction was, it was clear for Aidan to see what Leanna was thinking. He then withdrew his hand and placed his hands in his pockets before he said with an indifferent expression, “Leanna McKinney, please use your brain a little. If I was going to take you to the hospital for an abortion, do you think you’ll be able to stay here so peacefully for close to a month now?”

“Doesn’t matter how you put it. You still have such thoughts, in the end. Regardless, I’m not going.”


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