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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Pretending

Early in the following day, Callum appeared in the ward again.

“I feel flattered that the workaholic, Mr. Callum Winthrop, has disregarded his work just to visit me.” With a smile, Elspeth peeled off another wedge of orange. “The fruits are sweet. Would you like some?” After saying that, she plucked a banana and gave it to him.

Not caring about her outstretched hand, he looked at her with cold eyes. “My dad made me do this. Don’t overthink it.”

“You don’t want it? Fine.”

“I have a question for you.” With pursed lips, he thought about it for a moment and could not help but ask, “You actually broke my record at Death Canyon. How did a small-town girl like you get started on racing?”

This woman is too mysterious. She clearly has an ordinary background, but why does she always do something unexpected?

Elspeth laughed. “It’s just something I do to pass the time. Why do you care?”

Slightly shocked, Callum looked at her relaxed state and let his imagination run wild. Not only is she friends with Harper Summerfield and knows Albert Beischel, she also plays the piano well and even broke the record I set at Death Canyon. This ordinary small-town girl is not ordinary at all.

“Elspeth, I hope you don’t bear any ill intentions.” Those words sounded like a warning, but he could feel a gentle tug at his heart.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A series of orderly knocks woke him from his thoughts.

After announcing her presence, Ophelia pushed the door open and entered. When she saw the two being alone, jealousy surged inside her, but she maintained her smile and went forward to pull Elspeth’s hand. “Why do you look so pale? Are you badly hurt?”

Her grip was very tight and Elspeth smiled while looking in Callum’s direction. Then, she immediately understood the situation. A woman’s jealousy is so terrifying.

“I’m fine. Also, Miss Fleming, you don’t have to grab my hand so tightly. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you hate me.” She simultaneously pointed out Ophelia’s thoughts upon retrieving her hand.

Ophelia’s face immediately fell, but she managed to keep her smile again. “I’m just worried for you. Mr. Winthrop would be devastated if something happened to you.”

With a smile on her face, Elspeth retorted, “You haven’t even married into the Winthrop Family, yet you’re already worried about Mr. Winthrop’s feelings. How thoughtful of you.”

Isn’t she just a pick-me girl? Who doesn’t know how to do that?

“Elspeth, you seem to not like me…” While Ophelia spoke, her eyes welled up with tears.

“Miss Fleming, aren’t you being a little too presumptuous by saying I don’t like you because of a few words I said?” It was rare for her to meet a woman who liked putting on airs like Ophelia.

“I only wanted to visit you, but I didn’t expect you to say such hurtful words. I guess I’m bothering you here. I’d better leave.” She then stood up and acted like she was about to do so.

Noticing the situation, Callum frowned and criticized, “Elspeth, watch your words. Ophelia is only here to visit you.”

“I don’t need her to do that. I’m not feeling well, so Mr. Winthrop and Miss Fleming, please don’t disturb my rest.” Elspeth immediately sent them away so that she would not have to bear the anger.

When Callum noticed her slightly angry countenance, his eyes darkened a little.


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