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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Callum’s Fashion Sense

Seeing that Elspeth had done such a good job, Callum decided to assign the project to her.

For the last two days after Ava received her punishment, she would run away with her tail between her legs whenever she saw Elspeth, but her gloomy eyes always made Elspeth feel like she was devising something big.

At the pantry, Elspeth coincidentally bumped into Edmund beside the coffee machine. He batted his eyes at her and raised an eyebrow. “I heard that Callum actually punished Ava for you. Seems like you’re quite important to him.”

Hearing the sarcasm in his tone, she kept her cool despite being bothered by it. “What’s the matter, Mr. Edmund? Are you sad that your brother gave me more love than he’s ever had in his life toward you?”

Edmund’s expression froze for a moment. “Miss Lynwood, you’re quite the jokester.”

“Weren’t you the one who started it? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medication.” Elspeth calmly brewed herself a cup of coffee. When it came to being sharp-tongued, she had never lost the upper hand.

“You’re fun, Miss Lynwood. It’s no wonder why you got special treatment from that workaholic, Callum.” Though he still had a smile on his face, the words he spoke were not very pleasant to the ear.

“Thank you, but you’re talking a little too much.” She was the first ever to state he was nosy, as well as the first to win against him.

Now that he was at a disadvantage, his expression fell. “Alright. I won’t disturb your coffee break.” Then, he left with a cup of coffee while Elspeth watched his back, seemingly lost in thought.

On a positive note, Winthrop Group’s business partner appreciated Elspeth’s proposal and they made a hefty profit this season, so the company decided to hold a banquet to celebrate the company’s development.

Although Callum knew Elspeth was not the country bumpkin they thought she was, for the sake of the Winthrop Family, he still decided to bring her to purchase an evening dress.

Having learned from her experience last time, she chose a dress she liked and left it to him for checkout. “Callum, I like this green one. Thank you.”

When Callum looked at the sacramento green wavy gown that was decorated with turquoise, he shook his head at the bright and chic dress. “I think this looks better on you.” He then reached into a rack of clothes and pulled out a wine-red long gown. The gown’s hemline was styled in a rose pattern and bright diamonds embedded diagonally on one side.

“Callum, you can just tell me if you don’t like me. Why let me wear such a seductive dress instead?” Elspeth had never worn a dress as red as this one because her preferred style of clothing was clean and simple.

Hearing her doubt with his fashion taste, he felt gloomy. “We wouldn’t be here shopping right now if I dislike you.”

Elspeth’s mood mellowed out as she looked at Callum’s serious expression and taunted, “So, you’re seriously helping me out with an evening dress? Ooh, Callum. Don’t tell me that you’ve developed feelings for me. Otherwise, why would you care so much about me?”

“You’re in your head,” he said while tossing the dress into her arms.

“Gosh, you’re so boring.” After shrugging her shoulders, she brought the clothes into the fitting room. Minutes later, following the creaking sound of the door opening, a wine-red figure appeared right before him.

Since Elspeth had tied her hair up for easier dress fitting, it naturally revealed her slim neck. The extreme fairness of her skin and the seductive red of her dress accentuated her aura as it filled the space.

Despite having seen countless beauty, Callum was still stupified by her appearance.

“Stunned?” She wore a mischievous smile as she stretched out her hand and waved it before the man’s face.

Calmly withdrawing his gaze, he replied, “I just find it perplexing that the designer of our proposal has a problem knowing what clothing suits her.” His words were obviously implying that she did not have taste in fashion.

“Jeez. Why are both of you so sharp-tongued?” She rolled her eyes resignedly while complaining.

Hearing that, Callum’s eyes fell on her again while asking curiously, “What did he say to you?”


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