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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 The Hiking Incident

Hiking… A tiring and hot activity in which they all had no interest.

“Dad, I have a few operations scheduled, so it might not be convenient.”

Raising to his feet, Arthur was about to leave when he was grabbed by his father. “So? Does your hospital not have other doctors besides you?”

Arthur let out a nervous laugh while tapping his nose. That naturally made Blake and Max, who were about to make up their own excuses, keep quiet as well.

“So, it’s settled. We’ll leave in a short while.”

No one could reject Theodore’s orders, so they all changed into appropriate clothes and went to the most famous hiking spot in the city. When they arrived, Elspeth immediately spotted Ophelia, who was all smiles and wearing a gentle-looking dress.

Margot beamed when she saw her favorite ‘daughter-in-law’. “Ophelia, I didn’t expect you to come. I thought you wouldn’t make it.”

“Mrs. Winthrop, how can I say no to your invitation?” While tugging on Margot’s hand, Ophelia replied obediently.

The straightforward Max took a look at Ophelia’s clothes and pursed his lips. “When do people ever wear such a long dress for hiking? How do you expect to hike up the hill in this getup?”

Elspeth, on the other hand, grinned slightly. Max, you’re starting to be interesting.

Ophelia turned pale as she bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry. I don’t hike that often, so I didn’t know…”

Sensing her incoming crocodile tears, Elspeth felt a headache arriving. This woman might be up to something. I wouldn’t have come if I had known she was coming.

“That’s enough. Why do you care about what she wears?” Margot rolled her eyes and tugged on Ophelia’s hand. “Ophelia, let’s go. We’ll take the lead.”

She smiled through her tears. “Sure.”

Later, the two walked in front while Elspeth and the five trailed behind them, leaving Theodore at the back of the line.

Along the way, Callum stayed silent, which prompted Elspeth to joke with a raised eyebrow. “Callum, you’re as quiet as a mouse, which is exactly what your name means, peace.”

He looked at the scenery in the distance and ignored her taunts. Not paying attention to her track, she accidentally stepped and slipped on a rock, which then sprained her ankle.

“Ouch!” She clutched her ankle with her brows furrowed.

Callum noticed her situation and looked down at her with inquiry. “What happened?”

“I sprained my ankle.”

“Can you still walk?”

Seeing that Elspeth was breaking out in cold sweat, Callum decided to carry her into his arms when he saw her pained state.

Last time, she was half-conscious when she was in his embrace due to her menstrual cramp. This time, she was fully awake, so she could feel his strong heartbeat and smell the fragrance of fresh mint wafting from him. “Set me down. I can walk on my own.”

“Your ankle is so swollen, yet you’re still so stubborn.” With a cold expression on his face, he disregarded her resistance and continued walking. “There’s a hospital at the peak. I’ll let Arthur help you with the swelling when we get there.”

Hearing that, Elspeth obediently stayed in his arms.

Edmund, who was standing nearby, noticed what had happened and smiled wickedly. “Oh, Callum. I didn’t expect you to have a soft side. Has your cold heart finally been thawed?”

So, a woman whom Callum cares about actually exists!

“Stop the nonsense,” Callum reprimanded him sharply.

Max rolled his eyes. “Phoney.”


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